Keith West Memorial Tournament at Boston Latin

2023 — Boston, MA/US

DEBATE schedule


Please be in your rooms and have the round going by the times listed below. We hope to have assignments sent out 10-15 minutes before these START TIMES.

Judge briefing: 8:30 AM (for all judges - including current and former debaters) - in the LIBRARY on the first floor.

Round 1: 9:00 AM

Round 2: 10:30 AM

Round 3: 12:30 PM

Round 4: 2:00 PM

Round 5: 3:30 PM

Final round: 5:00 PM

Award ceremony: 6:15 PM

Departure: 7:15 PM

THURSDAY evening (Jan 19) - drop in, online, optional office hours

Time: 8:30 to 9:30 PM

Zoom link: here. Note - we might have to revise link, so if it doesn't work, check back on this page.