Mayde Creek Ram Classic TFA Tournament

2023 — Houston, TX/US

Congressional Legislation and Debate Topics

We will be Using the TFA Spring Docket and following the Region IV Scaffold (Prelims 6-10, Finals 11-15).

We will be using the current NSDA Topics :

Policy Debate – 2022-2023 Topic

Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its security cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in one or more of the following areas: artificial intelligence, biotechnology, cybersecurity.

Lincoln-Douglas Debate (Varsity and Novice) – 2023 January/February Topic

Resolved: Justice requires open borders for human migration.

Public Forum Debate – 2023 January Topic Area: West Asia

Resolved: The United States Federal Government should increase its diplomatic efforts to peacefully resolve internal armed conflicts in West Asia.

Worlds School Debate

Round 1 This House regrets the rise in popularity of the True Crime genre (e.g. Netflix's
Monster: The Jeffery Dahmer Story, the My Favorite Murder podcast).

Round 2 This House supports mandatory voting in national elections.

Round 3 (Impromptu)

Semis (if needed) This House would ban lethal autonomous weapons.

Finals: This House would remove veto power from permanent members on the UN
Security Council.