TFA State

2022 — Gregory Portland, TX/US

TFA Equity Office Intake Form

The Texas Forensics Association is committed to providing its participants, judges, coaches, and members the opportunity to pursue excellence in their endeavors. This opportunity can exist only when each member of our community is assured an atmosphere of mutual respect. TFA is committed to maintaining an environment that is free from all forms of harassment and discrimination. Accordingly, all forms of harassment and discrimination are prohibited, whether committed by participants, judges, coaches, or observers. TFA is committed to the enforcement of this policy. Any individual or group of individuals who believes they have been a victim of harassment and/or discrimination should report it via the  TFA Equity Office Intake Form after is it submitted, we will begin the evaluation process. Please allow us time to evaluate the information submitted.


You will receive a ruling from either the Equity Office at or from the Tournament Director.


Please note: Equity Complaints are if someone feels they have faced discrimination or harassment, while Rules Protests are about the violation of competitive event rules, like the falsification of evidence, plagiarism, etc. If you have a Rule Protest, please contact the Ombudsperson. Please do not fill out the Equity Office Intake Form for any Rule Protests.


Thank you for following the above process for Equity concerns.


Kristy Thomas & Dr. Scott Baker

Equity Officers- TFA State Tournament