Louisiana District Tournament
2022 — LA/US
Louisiana District Qualifier
for the 2022 National Tournament
Speech and Debate Judging Requirements
1 judge per every 2 entries in debate
1 judge per every 5 entries in speech
No hired judges are available from the tournament. Schools must bring their required number of judges.
The # of judges each school owes is the number in EVERY ROUND in that category. If a judge is unavailable for a particular round, schools must find a judge who can fill that void. Please indicate any time conflicts in the "notes" section after you register a judge.
If you are bringing inexperienced judges, please:
1. Reconsider. The high stakes of this tournament suggest that schools should bring experienced judges.
2. Train them on the rules of each event. Consult the NSDA website and unified manual
3. Ensure that judges complete the cultural competency training NSDA provides
4. Train them on how to complete an online ballot. We plan on using paperless ballots throughout the tournament. Judges must have tabroom accounts to be registered, and they must know how to check to see if they have a ballot, mark Start Round, and complete the ballot.