Novice Round Up

2016 — TX/US


Yes, you can bring a good reliable junior or senior to judge. No clowns, please.

We like it if the ratio of student judges to adult judges stays about 1 for 1 i.e. for every student judge you bring you also bring one adult. It's a good learning experience for students to judge but it's also good for the attendees to get feedback from experienced coaches.

You need to bring one judge for every team. We will have two judges in each debate.

You may hire judges at $30 per round.

Instructions for judges:

We encourage you to disclose but to limit your rfd to 5 minutes. Please try to provide one positive comment for each student and one constructive suggestion for improvement. Please be the kind of judge you would want if you were debating i.e. be positive and try to stay off social media while speeches are going on.