Jersey Village Falcon Freeze TFA NIETOC

2021 — Houston, TX/US

Debate Topics and Congress Information



CX Debate:


Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its protection of water resources in the United States.


LD Debate:


Resolved: A just government ought to recognize an unconditional right of workers to strike.


PF Debate:


Resolved: Increased United States federal regulation of cryptocurrency transactions and/or assets will produce more benefits than harms.


Prep time for CX is 8 minutes. Prep time for LD is 4 minutes.  Prep time for PF is 3 minutes. We will use NSDA pilot rules for PF.


Brackets will not be broken in debate. 



We will use the TFA 2021 Fall Legislation to be debated in each session is listed below. The items may be reordered as established by each chamber. Copies of the legislation can be found on the TFA website at Procedures for advancing and tie-breakers can be found in the TFA constitution.


Prelims: 11-15

Finals: 16-20


(If semis are necessary based on numbers, we will use 21-25) ; Students will run for P.O. in all sessions of congress.


WSD Prepared Motions

Round 1: This House would re-enter the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Round 2: (Flipped)

Round 3: Impromptu

Round 4: This House regrets the focus of higher education on STEM at the expense of the liberal arts.

Quarters (if necessary): Impromptu

Semis: This House believes that the European Union should accelerate the process of granting full membership rights to the Balkan states (Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia).

Finals: Impromptu