Ozark District Tournament
2021 — MO/US
Ozark District Qualifier
for the 2021 National Tournament
Judge Recruitment
All schools are required to help recruit judges
We will use 2 categories for judge recruitment- async and live.
Asynch= 1 judge every round per 5 entries
Live= 1 judge every round per 2 entries
Everyone will need to enter their own judges on Tabroom. We can make a video to help out with this if need be.
You will select the times your judges can judge within "judge pools". If you do not deselect certain times Tabroom will assume that they are available for the whole tournament.
If the judge does not know your students you can enter them as neutral.
Your judges will have to make a Tabroom account, you will then add them to your judge roster, then add them to the tournament as a judge.
If you would like to use this Google Form you may do so, you will have to make a copy of it then use it.