Ozark District Tournament

2021 — MO/US

Ozark District Qualifier

for the 2021 National Tournament
IEs (w/o Extemp)
Willard HS
NSDA Campus, MO
Tue 3/9 Sun 3/14 DI DUO HI INF OO POI
Debate (W/Extemp)
Willard HS
NSDA Campus, MO
Thu 3/11 Sun 3/14 BQ IX LD CX PF USX
Willard HS
NSDA Campus, MO
Sat 4/10 Sat 4/10 HSE SEN

Registration Requirements

1.    Consent Form

Each school participating at Districts must submit a coach-signed consent form. This form is generated by tabroom.com from the NSDA Forms link when you are on the registration site for the tournament. There is no flexibility on this policy, per NSDA rules.

2.    Single Entry Intent Form

No student may double enter at the National Tournament.  Therefore, each student must submit a Single Entry Letter of Intent to the District Chair (by placing it in your school folder that was provided) if they are competing in multiple events at District tournaments. You can find this form on tabroom.com by clicking the NSDA Forms link


·       This form must be on file by the start of the District Tournament as well as your student’s preference selection provided on Tabroom. 

·       DO NOT scan them all into one document.  Students are not able to participate in the District tournament without having this form completed and uploaded correctly! 

This form requires the coach's signature and the preferences must also be submitted on Tabroom.  Please ensure this is completed prior to the District tournament date. 

3.    Double Entry Policy

Students may enter 1 or 2 events at the District tournament.  No student may enter more than 1 Debate event but can enter 1 Debate event and 1 Speech event.  Students can also compete in 2 Speech events.  Any student entering multiple events must fill out the Single Entry Intent form, as stated in the previous point.  Exception: Students can only triple enter if their 3rd event is Student Congress.  All students competing in Student Congress, or believe they might compete, should fill out a Single Entry Intent form.

4.   Partner Events over Individual Events

If a student qualifies in a partnership event (Public Forum Debate, Policy Debate, or Duo Interpretation) and an individual event, the student must attend the National Tournament in the partnership event.  Exception: If both partners qualify in individual events, they can choose to attend the National tournament in the individual events…however, this must be specified on the Single Entry Intent Form prior to the tournament.

5.   Entry Limits

Each event is capped at 4 entries per school in that event.  A school may enter as many entries as they can, based on their degree strength.  You can view your degree strength by logging into your NSDA account, and on the left click on "District Info.” On this page, you can verify how many Debate/Speech "slots" are available for your entry.

6.    District Status

The National Speech and Debate Association has adopted a “Level” system, to determine how many entries each District receives to the National tournament.  At this moment, Ozark is a "Level 3" district, meaning we will automatically qualify 3 entry per event provided there are at least four entries in the event. 

In addition, we can qualify additional 4 students in each event that has 10 or more entries.