PHSSL Districts 11 and 12

2021 — NSDA Campus, PA/US

Senate Rules

District Senate Rules – D11/12

The Senate at the district tournament will operate on the same schedule as speech. The students will speak in the order that they are listed on the schematic. Each student will give a 3 minute speech with a 15 second grace period. The presiding office will stop the speaker at 3:15.

Round 1 – Supplemental Legislation – each student will give one speech, affirmative or negative, on a piece of supplemental legislation in their district packet. It can be the same piece of legislation for multiple speakers. Eg. Student A can give an affirmative speech on Bill 2, Student B can give an affirmative or a negative speech on Bill 2.

Round 2 – Own Legislation – A student gives an affirmative speech on their own legislation. All subsequent speakers from that school must give a con speech on another legislation. No supplemental legislation is used in this debate.

Round 3 – Remaining Legislation – Each speaker will give a speech on a bill not previously spoken on by that student. Eg. Student A spoke Aff on Bill 1 in round 1 and Aff on Bill 3 in round 2, Bills 2, 4, 5, and 6 are available to that student.

After each speaker, in every round, there will be a mandatory period of questions lasting two minutes. A judge should factor questions asked and the answering of questions into their overall rank.

The Parliamentarian will observe the debate, but only rank the students in case of a tie for who qualifies to states, if and only if, reciprocals do not break the tie.