Sacramento NCFL Qualifier 2021

2021 — NSDA Campus, CA/US

Congress bill round 3


 A Resolution to Abolish Federal Funding of School Voucher Programs


WHEREAS,      School voucher programs remove much-needed funding from

underfunded public schools by diverting funding from public education and granting it to parents to allow their children to attend private schools; and

WHEREAS,      there is no significant evidence that school voucher programs increase

student achievement, and in many cases they have led to a significant loss of academic achievement in comparison to public schools; and

WHEREAS,      the funds from school vouchers can be used for private religious schools, leading to federal funds being spent in a religious organization, violating the doctrine of separation of church and state; and

WHEREAS,      the U.S. Federal Government and Department of Education directly fund

the Washington D.C. Opportunity Scholarship school vouchers program

and provide funding to state governments and school districts that, once

dispersed, can and have been used to fund school voucher programs; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED,     that the Congress here assembled immediately revert the $160 million dollars allocated to the Washington D.C. Opportunity Scholarship school vouchers program back to the District of Columbia Public School System; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,    that the Department of Education shall deny the disbursement of allocated federal funding to any state or school district found to have implemented a school voucher program.