Asheville High Cougar Classic

2020 — NSDA Campus, NC/US

Tiebreak Procedures

Speech Preliminary Tiebreakers:

1. Ranks from prelim rounds, truncated to smallest section with lowest rank dropped

2. Ranks from prelim rounds, truncated to smallest section  

3. Reciprocal ranks from prelim rounds, truncated to smallest section  

4. Judge preference from prelim rounds, truncated to smallest section

5. Points from prelim rounds


Speech Finals Tiebreakers (for events with finals):

1. Ranks from final round plus seed from prelim rounds (3 judge ranks + 1 seed rank)

2. Ranks from final round 

3. Judge Pref score from final round  

4. Reciprocal ranks from final round plus reciprocal ranks from prelim rounds, except the 1 worst prelim reciprocal

5. Points from final round  

6. Points from prelim rounds, except the 1 worst


Debate Preliminary Tiebreakers:

1. Win/loss from prelim rounds  

2. Points from prelim rounds, except the 1 best & worst  

3. Points from prelim rounds  

4. Head to head from prelim rounds

5. Opponent seed from prelim rounds  

6. Opponent points from prelim rounds


Debate Elimination tiebreakers (if held):

No tiebreaker necessary.  Winner of round advances.


Congress Preliminary Session Tiebreakers:

1. Ranks from prelims, truncated to 9

2. Judge pref from prelims, truncated to 9

3. Reciprocal ranks from prelims , truncated to 9

4. Ranks from prelims, truncated to 9, except the 1 best & worst

5. Reciprocal ranks from prelims, truncated to 9, except the 1 best & worst

6. Parliamentarian ranks from prelims


Congress Finals Tiebreakers:

1. Ranks from final round, truncated to 9

2. Judge pref from final round

3. Reciprocal ranks from final round, truncated to 9

4. Parliamentarian ranks from final round