Logan Will Ultimate Challenge

2020 — Grants Pass, OR/US
Field in Poetry
32 entries
Institution Location Code
Bandon OR/US Bowl
Bandon OR/US Bromine
North Medford OR/US Candle-wick-er
Crater OR/US CEO of McDonald's
Cleveland OR/US Complect
Illinois Valley OR/US Denditriform
North Bend OR/US Frenchfries
St Mary's OR/US Fuji
Marshfield OR/US G-thug
Marshfield OR/US Glennie
Lake Oswego Senior OR/US Ibiza
Marshfield OR/US JR Barrera
Ashland OR/US Llamaboy
Lakeridge OR/US Magic Eraser
North Medford OR/US Osteoclasis
Ashland OR/US Pickle
Coquille OR/US Qieraah
Phoenix OR/US Red
North Bend OR/US Romanian-baguette
Marshfield OR/US SmolGlen
Lakeridge OR/US Toaster
South Medford OR/US Trixie
Marshfield OR/US UCrook
North Medford OR/US Umami
Grants Pass OR/US Uneducated
Grants Pass OR/US Unimpressed
Marshfield OR/US Unlukable
Bandon OR/US Updog
St Mary's OR/US Upton Pyne
Lakeridge OR/US Used Rat Trap
Lakeridge OR/US Used Rocky Mountain Goods Sink and Drain Plunger - 9” Solid W
Coquille OR/US UziKiruh