UNT John S Gossett Memorial High School Tournament

2023 — Denton, TX/US
Field in Prose
13 entries
Institution Location Entry Code
Emerson TX/US Krisha Arun Emerson Arun
Episcopal School of Dallas (ESD) TX/US Arya Ajith Episcopal School of Dallas (ESD) Ajith
Hebron TX/US Ally Gladson Hebron Gladson
Pine Tree TX/US Parker Dalton Pine Tree Dalton
Pine Tree TX/US Haylie Gresham Pine Tree Gresham
Pine Tree TX/US Reagan Lollar Pine Tree Lollar
Pine Tree TX/US Antonio Springfield Pine Tree Springfield
Prosper TX/US Elizabeth Gijsbertsen Prosper Gijsbertsen
Prosper TX/US James Kim Prosper Kim
Prosper TX/US Lena Truong Prosper Truong
Rock Hill TX/US Aileen Trujillo Rock Hill Trujillo
Rock Hill TX/US Rex Ventura Rock Hill Ventura
Vines TX/US Zilan Arms Vines Arms