Duquesne University Invitational
2023 — Pittsburgh, PA/US
Policy Debate Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideEmail Chain please!! saverabaloch85@gmail.com
I did policy debate in high school
Run the arguments that you are most comfortable with.
Give me an off-time road map before you begin speaking so that I know the order to flow.
PLEASE slow down when you are reading tags for new cards, this makes it easier for me to flow.
If you are disrespectful throughout the round I will weigh that into my decision
Policy/PF/LD- I have not researched the topics so please make an effort to define terms that may be unfamiliar.
You do you and I'll judge accordingly. Run the arguments with which you are most comfortable.
Email chain, please! jhollihan18@gmail.com
I debated for four years in high school, most of that time being a 1A/2N, and on these topics: China Relations, Education, Immigration, and Arms Sales. Most of my 1ACs were soft left and I usually went for DA + case or the Cap K in the 2NR.
Please try not to spread or at the very least, SLOW DOWN. I have not debated competitively since high school and have become more numb to spreading; I've also become more ideologically opposed to it. If you are going at top speed, odds are I might miss something you say and you don't want that to happen. I try not to look at the speech doc, but that may depend on the speed at which you read. Try to go slower than you normally would. If you are zipping through your theory/T blocks, I will assume that you have not read this and I will be annoyed.
I find myself judging very similar debates halfway through a resolution cycle. However, please don't assume I know the ins and outs or the trends of a given topic (e.g., acronyms, legislation/litigation, key arguments/data).
As a debater with a policy background, I really dislike evidence sharing norms in PF and LD. Why are we not just sharing the speech docs? Since email chains are not the community norms, you should have ALL of your evidence ready to go (though, an email chain would always be appreciated). Wasting 5-10 minutes to find one piece of evidence is not only frustrating for me, it can also hold up the tournament.