Mid America Cup

2020 — West Des Moines, IA/US

Sophomore Throw-Down Nominations

This year we will be hosting our 10th Annual Sophomore Throw-Down, open to 10th grade students who excel in Lincoln-Douglas debate. The Throw-Down will take place on the NSDA Campus platform on Friday, September 25.

Throw-Down nominations are due on Thursday, September 10, at noon. 

Over the years, finalists at the Throw-Down have gone on to be among the most competitive LD debaters in the country. More importantly, the Throw-Down provides an opportunity for young debaters to gain experience and get to know each other in a fun, collegial atmosphere.

We also have really cool trophies.

Each team can nominate up to two sophomore students for the Throw-Down. All nominees are waitlisted. Schools should provide information about their nominees' records from previous seasons. We will admit 24 sophomores. Schools must provide 1 judge for each debater entered in the Throw-Down. The fee for entering the Throw-Down is $75 per student. (This is reduced from previous seasons as, regrettably, we will not be able to provide our delicious banquet. We do, however, invite you to enjoy your own delicious food at home on the evening of the Round Robin, as a way of commemorating the event.

Debaters will be divided into four pods of six. The top debater in each pod will advance to semifinals. The two finalists will receive handsome crystal awards. These will be delivered after the tournament. We are currently weighing between First Class Postal service or simply launching the awards in the general direction of the winners using a large catapult. We will update this page when we've made a final decision.