Jack Howe Memorial Tournament

2020 — NSDA Campus, CA/US


For those Looking to get hired to judge at the 2020 Jack Howe Memorial here are the links. The dates are September 19-21 2020. The expectation is that you will have a VERY reliable WiFi connection and will be timely in showing up to your rounds. Make sure to turn in the paperwork BEFORE the tournament dates (direct deposit now available!) Please sign up.

HIRES: If you are getting hired for the tournament you must fill out ALL of the forms and compile them into ONE pdf document and submit them as soon as possible. We will approve based on need for the tournament. Please follow these directions precisely to not have the 2 week process of payment delayed. Fill out all the forms COMPLETELY. This is very important for the hire letter to put your name in ALL spots outlined and payment amount and sign. Then you will submit them to hireatbeachforensics@gmail.com


If a school needs to hire you as a judge we will forward several of you to them. This means you do not have to file any paper work with us. 

Lincoln Douglass: APPLY HERE

Public Forum: APPLY HERE


Congress/ Worlds/ Parli/ Speech/ ParliamentariansAPPLY HERE