MDI November Invitational

2019 — Minneapolis, MN/US


What are your policies on discrimination and harassment? 

Please see our discrimination and harassment policy

Where is the student common area?

Due to high attendance, we have two rooms dedicated as a student commons: Blegen 5 and Blegen 10. 

I have a student (or I am a student) who needs to use a computer at the tournament, but I don't have a device of my own.

We'll make sure you have a laptop! Please see our tech access page

Where are the gender neutral / all-gender restrooms?

Unfortunately, the U of M only has one gender neutral restroom open on West Bank on Saturdays. It’s in Hanson Hall on the second floor, room 2-246.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Since we are hosting on a campus open to the public, and not at a high school we are affiliated with, we are unable to convert some gendered restrooms into gender neutral restrooms. 


What if I lose an item at the tournament? 

The University does not have a centralized lost and found. However, you can contact Facilities Management (FM) at 612-624-2900 to see if a custodian has returned your item to the FM office. The following campus buildings have their own lost and found locations:

- West Bank buildings: Facilities Management West Bank Office — 612-624-7831

- Carlson School of Management: Carlson School mail room — 612-625-1340