Paul Winters Invitational

2018 — Stockton, CA, CA/US

Paul Winters Topic

R1: The United States federal government should incentivize the development of carbon capture technology.

Debate begins at 8:36

R2: The United States federal government should incentivize the development of solar radiation management. 

Debate begins at 10:24

R3: Voter registration should occur automatically when registering for a state-issued identification. 

Debate begins at 1:51

R4: Reductions in sentencing guidelines should be automatically applied to those previously convicted of the crime in question. 

Debate begins at 5:05

R5: The United States' diplomatic relationship with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is more important than censure over the death of Jamal Khashoggi. 

Debate begins at 8:33

Elim 1: The United States federal government should amend the Fair Labor Standards Act to eliminate the allowance of sub-minimum wage employment. 

Debate begins at 10:39

Elim 2: North Atlantic Treaty Organization should intervene in the Sea of Azov. 

Debate begins at 1:49

Elim 3: The United States federal government should enact a single-use plastics ban. 

Debate begins at 3:58

Elim 4: The Supreme Court of the United States should rule in favor of Return Mail Inc in the case of Return Mail Inc v United States Postal Service. 

Debate begins at 5:46