Bentonville Tigers Eye

2017 — Bentonville, AR/US

Debate Topics

Topics for Tigers Eye Tournament 2017:

Varsity Lincoln Douglas:

Resolved: In the United States, national service ought to be compulsory.

Novice Lincoln Douglas: ***This will be the topic utilized if the division collapses to Open***

Resolved: Civil disobedience in a democracy is morally justified.

Policy Debate:

Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its funding and/or regulation of elementary and/or secondary education in the United States.

Public Forum Debate:

Resolved: Deployment of anti-missile systems is in South Korea’s best interest.

Big Questions:

Resolved: Humans are fundamentally different from other animals.

Congressional Debate:

Original bills may be submitted by emailing by Friday, September 29th at 4 pm.  Each school may submit up to three bills. If needed, we will supplement with the 2017 Fall TFA Docket.  The original bills will be released on Monday, October 2nd