2024 Cypress Falls TFA Tournament

2024 — Houston, TX/US


Cypress Falls TFA Tournament


Section A: FX, DX NX, PR, DA, DI, POI

Section B: HI, OO, PO, IMP, DUO, NOI, INF

Friday: January 12, 2024

3:00 Extemp Draw

3:30 Section A Events (FX, DX NX, PR, DA, DI, POI)

4:45 Section B Events (HI, OO, PO, IMP, DUO, NOI, INF)

5:45 Semis Extemp Draw

6:15 Round 2/Semis A and B

8:00 Extemp Draw

8:30 Finals A and B

Saturday: January 13, 2024*

8:00 Debate Rnd 1, Congress Prelims, WSD Rnd 1

9:00 Debate Rnd 2

9:15 WSD Rnd 2

10:30 Debate Rnd 3

10:45 WSD Rnd 3 (Impromptu)

12:00 Debate Rnd 4, Congress Finals

1:30 WSD Semis (Prepared)

2:00 VLD/VPF Quarters

3:00 VLD/VPF Semis; WSD Finals (Impromptu)

4:00 VLD/VPF Finals

*It is our goal to single-flight all debate rounds through the use of volunteers, school judges, and hired judges.