ShenVaFL 1 Online Forensics

2020 — Online, VA/US

Zoom Guidelines for Forensics

Forensic competition through Zoom.


For Zoom Masters (Host) - Please disable the waiting room.  Make sure participants may chat with everyone publicly AND privately.  Also, make sure that participants may rename themselves.  


For judges: In the event of a lost connection - stop the timer.  Take note of where the competitor left off.  Once they are able to re-join, remind them of where they stopped speaking (or the last part that you heard) and give them some time to recompose.  This absolutely does NOT count against their score/rank.



How to




-Rename yourself using the “Participants” window so that it matches your Tabroom code.

Ex: BW Steve O’Baugh

-After renaming yourself with your code please add your event after your name so that it now looks like this:  BW Steve O’Baugh POE

-Judges should also add “- Judge” after their name to help with placing into rooms right away.  

E.g. Steve O’Baugh - Judge

-Coaches should add their school code and “- Coach” after their name to help with placing into rooms right away.

E.g. BW Steve O’Baugh - Coach

This allows the Zoom Master to move folks into team rooms as soon as they are admitted into the session.

It also makes for a faster and easier time placing competitors in their rooms for competition.


There are specifics for particular events below, but the general path to success is only having your camera and microphone on when performing and keeping them off when not performing (this also helps lag).  

You will be moved into your competition room by your Zoom master.  Once EVERYONE is done you may leave the room to be placed back into your team room until it is time for your next round to commence.

The goal is to try and prevent as much confusion as possible.  The Zoom master will be working diligently to get everyone where they need to be when they need to be there.  Avoiding the common area by staying in team rooms or competition rooms helps make this possible.



How to




-Pay attention to your ballot and make sure that you have reviewed guidelines/rules/expectations before the tournament gets underway.

-Please keep your camera on, but microphone off unless directly addressing a competitor.

-The ballot has specific instructions for your event that you are currently judging.  Review the briefing materials so that you are prepared ahead of time.

-The camera being on gives the competitor someone to focus on (as they should).  Keeping the microphone off unless directly addressing a competitor keeps from distracting them.




How To




After being in your team room the Zoom master will move you to the prep room for Extemp.

Prep must be separate from competition for the sake of the judge(s) and the other competitors.


The Extemp Chair will call on you when it is your turn to draw.  Using chat (private) they will send you three possible questions to answer.  

In chat - respond with which question you are choosing to answer.

This keeps from distracting other competitors and also makes it possible to as closely mimic the draw as it is possible.


Once time has elapsed for preparation you will need to leave the prep room so that the Zoom master may move you into your competition room.  Remember to not leave the competition room until everyone has presented.

The Zoom master will be keeping an eye out for folks leaving Extemp Prep.  Not leaving the competition room until everyone goes keeps from confusing the Zoom master.




How To




Unlike in-person competition, everyone will be in the room and stay in the room throughout.

Since we are not using the same three things for every person there is no need to worry about seeing someone else go before you.


The judge will private message you in the chat with three options.  Respond in chat which of the three you plan on doing and then time will commence.

This preserves the air of mystery for the other competitors and also informs the judge of what you are presenting on.




How To




Before starting make sure that you have clicked on everyone’s video window - in Gallery view - by clicking on the three dots and selecting 

“Hide Non-Video Participants”.   

(Except for the judges) 

This will help in the competition process. If one of you is in the wrong position simply leave the breakout room and re-enter. 

This removes everyone that is not competing or judging from view so that the process may work as smoothly as possible.



Have your video and microphone off so that other competitors may go.

This allows for the process to work as smoothly as possible (see above).




How To


Everything Else

View Settings

Make sure you are in the “Gallery” view in order to be able to see everyone as opposed to the “Speaker” view.  

Speaker’s view may neglect the judge.

Camera Use


Please keep the camera off unless performing.  

Avoids distractions and make the other individuals' connection stronger.

Microphone Use

Please keep the microphone off unless performing.

Avoids distractions and make the other individuals' connection stronger.