PHS Middle School Intra Squad 2

2023 — Kansas City, MO/US

This is a Wednesday-only after-school Intra-Squad Tournament for Pembroke Hill MS Students.

PHS MS Students may sign up using their Accounts for Sign Up.

PHS US Students should use the Public Judge Sign-Up Link Above. They may earn NSDA Service Points

MS Students MAY compete in both Speech AND Debate, but should go to their Speech Room 1st to perform prior to their Debate Round.


Pre Tournament Meeting in the Multi-Purpose Room - PH 103
This tournament must conclude by 5:30 so many students may arrive at the High School Policy Debate and Public Forum Debate Team dinners. Therefore, we will only have 2 rounds of competition.

Round 1 - 3:45p
Round 2 - 4:30p
Awards ASAP!

ASAP Awards!

We are looking for Team Parents to provide Pizza and Soda set to arrive after Round 6. Please contact Mr. Hopkins if your Parent is interested!