National Debate Coaches Association National Championships

2023 — Rolling Hills Estates, US

Welcome to the 2023 NDCA National Championships.

Once the tournament STARTS if you have an issue you need tabroom help with please email the appropriate helpline




If you have an equity related issue there is a link to a form on the right hand side of this page.

All debates, including elimination rounds, will be on the PV Peninsula campus

27118 Silver Spur Rd, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274

Competition will start on Saturday March 25, 2023 and conclude on Monday March 27.

Students must be accompanied by an official employee of the school they represent.

The NDCA Board has voted to waive the qualification requirement in LD and PF and so all the entires (with names) that were on the waiting list have been admitted into the tournament. The tournament director will continue to admit entries in these events on a first come, first serve basis until we reach the entry limits in each event.

The NDCA Board has voted to NOT waive the qualification requirement in CX and so entries will only be admitted if they meet the standards of the "plus one policy" as spelled out in the tournament procedures.

If you have questions not answered by the links on the right hand side of this page feel free to reach out to tournament director Tim Mahoney