Beehive Bonanza

2021 — NSDA Campus, UT/US

The John R. Park Debate Society (the University of Utah forensics team) and the Department of Communication cordially invite your team to attend the 11th Beehive Bonanza, October  8th and 9th, 2021, hosted online via the NSDA campus platform. Please see the invite linked on the right side of this page for full tournament details.

Tournament Summary:

The tournament will feature competition in policy, LD, and public forum debate. We will offer both novice and varsity divisions in all events (provided adequate entries). The Beehive Bonanza will also offer three $1000 partial scholarships to top varsity finishers in the tournament in Lincoln-Douglas,  Public Forum (top speaker on the winning team receives a scholarship) and Policy Debate (top speaker on the winning team receives a scholarship) when (and if) they attend the University of Utah and join the John R. Park Debate Society.

This year’s Bonanza is going to be different in modality (online) and in offerings (debate only). Please read the full invitation carefully for updates on this year's rules pertaining to judge coverage and fees. While this is the tournament format that allows us to keep the event cost-free and manageable, we welcome feedback as we consider what shape the Bonanza may take in future seasons.

If you have any additional questions about the tournament, feel free to email ( From our team to yours, we wish you the best for the competitive season.