Mountain View Toro Country Classic TOC Congress and IE NIETOC

2021 — Mesa, AZ/US

Welcome to the 30th


presented by the



November 11-13, 2021


It is our distinct pleasure to again offer the Toro Country Classic. We believe that high-quality competition is the key to advancing the competitiveness of Arizona Forensics, and we hope your team will choose to attend our tournament.

We are planning to host the TCC live this year unless conditions worsen. Due to the heightened concerns of COVID and our desire to protect everyone involved, we are requiring all competitors, judges, coaches, and observers, to wear a mask except while eating or drinking. It will be left up to the competitors to choose to remove their masks while speaking. We will ask that everyone socially distance as much as possible. We ask that teams spread out on the campus in order to keep the cafeteria from being crowded.

A NOTE ON HOSPITALITY: We will provide food for competitors to be able to purchase and a hospitality room for judges and coaches; however, due to COVID, it will not be to the extent in past years. I can’t in good conscience serve food that one of our families made because I personally can’t guarantee that household to be COVID-free.

We are pleased to announce that the Toro Country Classic is a Bid Tournament to the University of Kentucky Tournament of Champions in both Congressional Debate & Speech. We are also pleased to be a NIETOC Bid Tournament.

ASYNCHRONOUS SUPPLEMENTAL EVENTS: As a part of our 30th Toro Country celebration, we are offering the following asynchronous supplemental events: TikTok, Children's Literature, Storytelling, After Dinner Speaking, Pro Con Challenge. All videos are due NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH AT 8:00 P.M. Because these events will be judged during the week from Monday, 11/8 to Friday, 11/12 and because we will use judges from the IE pool, you will not have to add judges for these events if your Main IE Event Judge burden is the same or higher than the burden of your supplemental entries. However, if your supplemental judge burden is higher, we will contact you to have you add judges.

MIDDLE SCHOOL EVENTS: We are offering Live In-Person Congressional Debate and Big Questions Debate, and Asynchronous Declamation, Storytelling, Pro Con Challenge, and the event that we created last year TikTok. See the Middle School Invitation and Schedule for more information.

Please read the complete invitation for all of the tournament details and events rules.