Brookings Middle School Interp Contest

2021 — Online, SD/US

We are pleased to invite you to the fourteenth annual Brookings Middle School Oral Interp Contest. This year, due to precautions to prevent the spread of COIVD-19, we will be holding our competition virtually via  Students will record videos and upload links via Tabroom.  Judges will access these videos, write critiques, and rate and rank students accordingly.  Registration for the tournament will be due Wednesday, April 14 by 5pm.  Videos need to be uploaded to Tabroom by Thursday, April 15 by 8pm.  Judging will occur from Friday, April 16 at 8am to Saturday, April 17 at 3pm. We will honor students in a virtual awards ceremony that will be sent following the tournament. 


We will offer three rounds of competition in humorous, oratory, poetry, and dramatic divisions at the 7th and 8th grade levels as well as an open duet division. Sixth graders may be entered in the 7th grade division if they are allowed to compete in your district.  Duos may use a split screen recording or be in the same room.  Please refer to your local guidelines in making this decision. Masks may be worn in all categories if necessary.  Time limits for all categories will be 10 minutes. 


***New this year: we will be offering an open division of storytelling.  The time limit for this event is 5 minutes.  Students may stand, use a chair, or a combination of both. Any topic may be used - there is no set theme.  


There is a registration fee of $2 per individual entry and $4 per duet.  Each school is required to furnish one judge for every six (or fraction thereof) entries.  (For example, 1-6 entries requires 1 judge; 7-12 entries requires 2 judges, etc.)  High school students in grades 10-12 who have participated in a significant number of high school oral interp rounds may serve as judges. All judges must create a account and link it to your team (tutorials on how to do this are below.)  A limited number of judges will be available. If you need to hire a judge, indicate that on your entry. 


Setting up a account as a coach:

Setting up a account as a student:

Setting up a account as a judge:

Recording a split-screen performance using Zoom: 

Uploading Videos: 

Judging using 


Carrie Oorlog

BHS Speech and Interp 

530 Elm Ave

Brookings High School

Brookings, SD  57006