2021 Maverick Virtual Invitational

2021 — Online, KS/US

* Congress, LD, PFD will be on Friday ONLY
--> LD/PFD (R1-4:00, R2-5:15, R3-6:30, R4-7:45)
--> Congress (R1-4:00, R2- 5:10, R3-6:20, R4-7:30)

* We will be using the Sunflower District legislation, but if you're from outside of the district, you may email me your legislation by midnight on Tuesday (March 2nd) to be included with the other pieces of legislation.

* We will do individual events prelims asynchronously except for the draw events (Impromptu, Extemp, & Your Mic is Muted)

* We will not have IDA or Duet this year. (But if you enjoy IDA, you're encouraged to check out YMM!)

* Duo must be recorded on split screens.

* There will be synchronous finals for IE on Saturday!

* We do ask that you provide a judge (all rounds) for every 8 IE entries (and every 2 Debate entries). If this is a problem for you, please contact me, and we'll try to arrange something.

If you have any questions, email Wesley Rice at wrice@usd266.com.