GGSA Congress PF Policy 3

2021 — Online, CA/US

The Golden Gate Speech Association (GGSA) is proud to host our third Congress, Public Forum, and Policy Debate tournament of the school year online using Tabroom and Classrooms.Cloud on Saturday, January 23, 2021!


Entries are due by 5:00 PM on Friday, January 15. Please enter all competitors and judges in

Drops made by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 20 will pay half of the entry fee. After that point they will pay the full entry fee.


All competitors must have Tabroom accounts that are linked to their email by 5 pm on January 20, 2021. Coaches, please see this video for the procedure.

Registration and fees: Coaches and judges must sign in at 8:00am. Entry fees are $10.00 per student. Checks to be made payable to GGSA and mailed to:

c/o Lowell Alumni Association
PO Box 320009
San Francisco, CA 94132


Thank you for joining our all-volunteer organization in donating your time and energy to empower youth through speaking and listening!

All judges must be entered on by 5 pm on January 20, 2021.

All judges must have accounts with cell phone numbers and email addresses. Make sure that all judges know the email address and password for their tabroom account. This is sometimes a problem when coaches or students create a tabroom account for a parent judge. Judge tabroom accounts must be linked to the school they are judging for.

Judge Instructions: All judging instructions will be posted on the GGSA website and sent to coaches to distribute to their judges. Also, please consult the yellow "Tournament Pages & Forms" on the right of this page for many helpful links.

Please address these matters in advance of the tournament. Dealing with them on Saturday morning delays the start of the tournament, and causes everyone to go home later.

Coaches, please make sure your judges and their technology are ready to judge. In the event of a judge being unable to judge an assigned round, tab staff reserves the right to substitute the coach from the school as the judge for that round, so please make sure that both your judges and you are prepared.


Per our league rules, each school is responsible for providing one adult volunteer (who may be the coach) in addition to your judge quota. Please email us by 5 p.m. on January 20 with the name, email address, and phone number of your volunteer.


Kristen Plant - Congress Director

Ian Beier - Policy Director

Aleisha Readye - PF Director



Legislation: House and Senate will debate GGSA Congress 3 Legislation -- Jan. 23, 2021

Coaching requirement: In order to make this tournament work ALL COACHES WITH CONGRESS ENTRIES WILL HELP ADMINISTER THE TOURNAMENT.  Coaching assignments will be sent out to schools once registration is completed.

Judging requirements: JUDGES MUST HAVE A TABROOM ACCOUNT UNIQUE TO THEM. One judge for every 10 entries in House; one judge for every 4 entries in Senate. Judges will be pre-paneled. Extra judges or judges not entered in advance will be placed in a “reserve pool.” Judge names must accompany entry. If your judge has a different last name than their child please note that in your judge entry notes.

Presiding officer requirements: Each school must provide one presiding officer for each 10 students—submit names of all PO’s in entry. There will be a mandatory meeting for PO’s at 8:30 am. Information on how to access the PO meeting will be posted on Tabroom prior to the tournament. Presiding officers for the senate will be chosen based on both experience and an effort to balance schools.

House or Senate? Remember that students who qualified to the Senate in the past will remain in the Senate this year. Varsity debaters should also be entered in the Senate. House should be reserved for novices and less experienced competitors. Students who qualified to the Senate as a speaker may not remain in the House as a presiding officer.