Bettendorf Bulldog Invitational

2020 — NSDA Campus, IA/US

Registration / Help Desk for the Bulldog Invitational:

Meeting ID: 927 8292 9465

Passcode: S8VB5q

Extemp Draw Room:

NPF/VPF Zoom Link (only use if competing against Waterloo West or North - otherwise, use standard NSDA Campus rooms):

Thank you for your interest in attending the Bulldog Invitational!  We hope your year is going as well as it can in these uncertain times.  This year has been a challenge so far, but we are hoping we can still host an outstanding tournament for the benefit of all of our students.  We don't really know how this will go and I'm a little hesitant as we all strive forward into the unknown...but I know we plan to do our best to make the experience a good one for all of our students.

The Bulldog Invitational will be hosted on Friday, November 13th - Saturday, November 14th.  We will be fully online this year, using the NSDA Campus software platform.  You'll see a lot of information on the tabs on the right - but here's the overview:

Debate events - 5 prelim rounds and then outrounds over Friday and Saturday.  We're planning on Novice and Varsity divisions of everything, but as always - that will be dependent on our numbers in each event.  

Speech events - 4 prelim rounds and then a final round all on Saturday.  A few big things here though:

We will be focused on live, synchronous rounds for all events.  We're making this as close to 'normal' as possible.  Students will compete in virtual rooms on NSDA Campus - live, for all Speech events.

Congress - We're going to give this a try.  The NSDA recommends a max of 15 people per room.  So, we'll try for rooms with 12 students and 2-3 judges.  This will be a Friday night only event.  

So...2020, huh? :(  I believe we have the full schedule figured out as best as we can, for now.  As always, we appreciate your support and hope things run smoothly for the Bulldog Invitational.  Things are definitely in flux right now and I hope we get some stability in our lives sooner than later.  Hope to see you this November!

Joe Rankin

Speech/Debate coach/teacher

Bettendorf High School

Bettendorf, IA