PSDL Big Questions tournament

2019 — Philadelphia, PA/US

Welcome to the registration site for the PSDL's first Big Questions tournament!

Thank you to Science Leadership Academy for graciously agreeing to host!

A few reminders:

* There is no cost to enter, but if you would like to order pizzas for your students to eat, you will have to pay for those. Order them on the concessions tab. Checks should be made out to ASAP. Cash is preferred.

* There is a judge burden of 1 judge for 2 entries. Please abide by this. If you fail to bring your appropriate quota of judges we will have to drop entries and levy a nuisance fine.

* Entries can be single competitors OR teams of two.

* We will be debating the following: Resolved--Humans are primarily driven by self interest.

* Go here for links to information about the format and resource to help you with developing cases (including sample cases which you ARE allowed to use!):

* If you have any questions do not hesitate to email me (Kate Sundeen) at