Viking Clash High School

2023 — Bountiful, UT/US


Abbreviation CONG
Format Congress
Entry Fee $4.00
Overall Entry Limit 40
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Orders of the Day

  1. The Congress will meet for 2 2.5 hour sessions. Each session will contain a mandatory 15 minute break at the midpoint of the proceedings. The parliamentarian may pause or end debate as required to fulfill the break or end time requirements. No other person has power to unilaterally pause or end debate.

  2. At the beginning of each session, a presiding officer will be elected by secret ballot for every hour of the session. No representative may serve as the presiding officer more than once per session. An hour of presiding is equivalent to one speech for precedence.

  3. There will be a set docket that may not be changed by any except the parliamentarian.

  4. Each session will have preset starting precedence, provided by the tournament.

  5. When more than one speaker seeks the floor, precedence shall be followed.

  6. The first speech for and against legislation shall be up to 3 minutes long, followed by 2 minutes of questioning. All other speeches shall be up to 3 minutes in length, followed by 1 minute of questioning. Speakers may yield speaking time to the floor during the debate for questions or clarifications.

  7. The author of legislation (or representative from the same school) shall be given the opportunity to present legislation and speak in favor of it regardless of priority.

  8. Following the first two speeches on legislation, the presiding officer will alternately recognize affirmative and negative speakers. If no one wishes to oppose the preceding speaker, the presiding officer may recognize a speaker upholding the same side. When no one seeks the floor for debate, previous question passes automatically and the presiding officer may move into voting on the legislation.

  9. During any period of questioning, the presiding officer will recognize representatives to cross examine the speaker for a period of 30 seconds. Recognized representatives may yield this time if they have no further questions. Questioning precedence shall be kept separately from speaking precedence, and shall determine who is recognized.

  10. Presiding officers should not call for motions. They should pause for those from the floor to call for motions.

  11. Amendments must be presented to the parliamentarian in writing with specific references to lines and clauses that change. The parliamentarian must recommend that the amendment is “germane” (upholds the intent of the legislation) before a motion to amend is called.

    1. When a representative motions to amend, the Presiding Officer (Chair) will read the proposed amendment. The amendment will be considered if one third of the house assents.

    2. When considering an amendment, the author of the amendment shall be given precedence to provide the first speech so long as they have not presented another amendment this session. If a representative proposes a second amendment, normal speaking precedence shall be used to determine the first speech on the amendment. All speeches for an amendment count towards speaking precedence.

    3. If there are no speakers on an amendment at any time, previous question on the amendment is automatically passed and voting ON THE AMENDMENT is started.

    4. A maximum of 4 speeches may be given on any amendment, at which time previous question is automatically passed.

  12. All major voting shall be done with counted vote.

  13. Visual aids are permitted in Congressional Debate, provided they do not require electronic retrieval devices in the chamber.

  14. The rules as presented here and in the NSDA handbook must be followed, including the rules of evidence. Any concern or complaint regarding the rules, evidence, or conduct of other representatives should be referred to the parliamentarian in the round where it occurs. The parliamentarian will determine any corrective action, including by convening with the delegate in private or by consulting the tournament director. Unless required, debate will continue while issues are resolved. All evidence used is subject to verification and subject to the rules of evidence.

  15. Congressional Debate entries may rise to a point of information after a speech to formally request a copy of the evidence cited, the citation, or the original source of evidence. Representatives should provide the required information in a timely manner. The debate will not be interrupted to accommodate these requests. Any issues with these requests should be referred to the parliamentarian, who will address the situation.

  16. Electronic device use must comply with the “New Guidelines for Use of Internet-Enabled Devices in Debate Events.” In no circumstances should electronic devices be used to contact team members or coaches during debate (contact during the break is acceptable.

  17. These rules may be amended at any time by the tournament director.

  18. These rules may NOT be suspended, and the presiding officer should rule such motions out of order, except to extend questioning or to allow for open chambers.

Bills For Consideration

Session 1