Kennedy Tournament

2023 — Cupertino, CA/US


Abbreviation INT
Format Speech
Entry Fee $20.00
Entry Teams of between 1 and 2 competitors

Event Description:

Dramatic Interpretation (DI)

A piece of published work that is written by someone else (books, plays, movies are all accepted), with multiple different characters, and performed like a one-person play. Generally a more dramatic script that includes serious plots and tragic events.

  • Timing: A 10 minute speech; 30 second grace period

Rules/Regulations: Performers may only use their own bodies, and any use of props will result in penalty within the round. Students may not consult the script during their speech and will be penalized at the judge’s discretion if caught doing so.

Humorous Interpretation (HI)

A piece of published work that is written by someone else (books, plays, movies are all accepted), with multiple different characters, and performed like a one-man play. Generally a more humorous script that includes jokes, silly gags, and fast-paced action.

  • Timing: A 10 minute speech; 30 second grace period

Rules/Regulations: Performers may only use their own bodies, and any use of props will result in penalty within the round. Students may not consult the script during their speech and will be penalized at the judge’s discretion if caught doing so.

Duo Interpretation (DUO)

A piece of published work that is written by someone else (books, plays, movies are all accepted) with multiple different characters. Two competitors team up to deliver a ten-minute performance of a published play or story. Performances can also include an introduction written by the students to contextualize the performance and state the title and the author.

  • Timing: A 10 minute speech; 30 second grace period

Rules/Regulations: Performers may only use their own bodies, and any use of props will result in penalty within the round. Students may not consult the script during their speech and will be penalized at the judge’s discretion if caught doing so.