T Bird Tempest

2021 — Provo, UT/US

Novice Policy

Abbreviation NCX
Format Debate
NFHS Policy Annual HS Policy
The United States federal government should substantially increase its protection of water resources in the United States.
Entry Fee $6.00
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Closed Novice Deck

The folder of evidence is available HERE (Dropbox) or HERE (Google Drive). Both are available for download or online viewing. We will also be adding them to the UDCA website. As a point of clarification, we continued the decision from previous years to harmonize our packet with the rest of the country by adopting the NDCA novice argument list and packet. There are two exceptions however: we did not include their Kritik files, nor their 'Wetlands Kritikal affirmative.' The files are also modified to remove theory and undeveloped off-case ideas. Students should only use the UDCA files, but look out for possible NDCA resources for this packet.