Damien Chuck Ballingall Memorial Invitational Virtual Edition

2020 — La Verne/Virtual, CA/US

Novice Parliamentary Debate

Abbreviation NParli
Format Debate
Entry Fee $50.00
Overall Entry Limit 40
Entry Limit Per School 8
Entry Teams of between 1 and 3 competitors

Event Description:

Parliamentary Debate Rules and Regulations

Preparation Time: This Tournament will be allowing open prep. This will allow for use of the internet, team prep, and coach prep during the 20 minutes of preparation time. NSDA Campus provides each academic institution in attendance with an online squad room which institution can utilize for team and coach prep. The rationale behind these preparation rules is that we cannot feasibly enforce traditional parliamentary debate preparation communication rules in an online format. New parliamentary debate students should hopefully benefit from the extra help during their preparation help as well.

Paper and Notes: Students can use paper or computers to take notes, as there are no limits or restrictions on how notes are taken. The tournament recommends not flowing on the same device the students are using for their Campus calls.

Evidence in Parli: There will be no restrictions or limitations on evidence used in Parli. Due to internet access during prep time students may have more evidence than in a traditional parliamentary debate round. However, the quality of the argumentation and presentation of said arguments should take precedence over quantity of evidence when evaluating the debate. Students may ask for the source of evidence, but students shouldn’t need to send evidence via chat or "call for cards." Use your own judgement and try to promote a competition environment that best mirrors in-person tournaments.

Topic Announcement: Topic announcement will occur at the times listed on the posted schedule. The topic will be announced via a google doc that will also be linked in below and on the Parliamentary Debate event description page under Event and Divisions link on the tournament home page. Please request access to the page prior to topic announcement.

Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xfh8iQlnOkGyZFza3r8GY5fjrEi_Yqae97fzTB-2Ab8/edit

The topic announcement document will include a specific drop time. If students are not in the competition room and beginning the round by the drop time, you should immediately report the round to the tournament help room.

Timing Devices: The students may use their phones or computers to time themselves. The tournament asks that phones be kept on silent and timer sounds are non disruptive.

POIs and POOs: Points of Information will be allowed after the first minute and before the last minute of each speech excluding rebuttal speeches. Points of Order will follow normal procedures POIs should wait to be acknowledged before speaking. Students wishing a Point of Information should use non verbal cues such as raising a hand or holding up a piece of paper to get the attention of the speaker. If students are not acknowledged for sufficient time then they may use a verbal cue to ask their POI. Any cue should not be disruptive to the student speaking, and POOs should stop time. For further clarification on POIs and POOs please refer to pages 5 and 11 in the CHSSA bylaws provided below.


Communication in Round: Students may only communicate with their partner during the round. Students may not use the chat feature to create or clarify arguments, provide refutations, or any other disruptive communication to a judge during a students speech. This form of communication will be treated the same as if students have verbally interrupted another student's speech. If a student uses the chat in this fashion judges should disregard the messages, deduct applicable speaker points and inform tab of the student violating the rule./

Times and Debate Format: There are two types of formal speeches in each round of debate: constructive speeches and rebuttal speeches. The order, formal titles of the speakers, and time limits for each speech are as follows:

First Proposition 7 minutes

First Opposition 7 minutes

Second Proposition 7 minutes

Second Opposition 7 minutes

Opposition Rebuttal 5 minutes

Proposition Rebuttal 5 minutes

The first speaker for each side speaks twice (a constructive speech and a rebuttal speech). The second speaker for each side delivers a single constructive speech.