Allentown Diocesan CYO Speech Festival

2011 — PA/US

Prose Reading

Abbreviation PRO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry Limit Per School 3
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

The student is required to read a published short story or prose excerpt and present a brief written introduction including the title and author as part of his or her presentation. Even though the student is reading the piece, judges will be looking for how the student interprets it dramatically in terms of their vocal and facial expressions, and the use of hand gestures. Students must remain center stage when reading. Parts of a story may be edited out to meet the time constraint, but the material may not be enhanced or changed in any other way. Binder for script required. (8 ½” x 5” recommended). (Time limit: 7 min. with a 30-second grace period)