The Last Chance

2017 — UT/US

Impromptu Advertising Ballot


SECTION              ROOM                  JUDGE








Actual Time Used:  ________ min. ____sec.                                                                                         ROUND                CONTESTANT


Time: 2 – 4 minutes. Draw: items drawn/prepared in contest room.  Contestants will be given three items, choose one, and may use 2 min. preparation time. The contestant may take notes during the preparation time, but may not refer to the notes during the presentation. The contestant will present an advertisement for the object they choose. It may be funny or serious, but will be judged on effectiveness.

Ranking ________                     Rating: _______


Each contestant must be ranked according to performance in this round. Rank 1,2,3,4,5 where "1" is the best. Each contestant must also be rated according to skill Ratings of S, E, G, F must be consistent with the average of the ratings in the boxes below and with the rankings in the round (i.e. 1S, 2S, 3E, 4G, 5G, are acceptable, 1G, 2E, 3S in the same section would not be acceptable.) Ties in ratings are allowed.







Did the contestant clearly describe the product and increase your interest?






Was the advertisement clearly organized?

Was the product described in an effective and appropriate manner?

Did contestant provide a valid reason to purchase this product?






Was the delivery fluent?

Was the presenter articulate?

Was the energy appropriate for the product?





Overall Effectiveness

What was the total impression of the advertisement upon you, the critic, as compared to other contestants in the round?






Additional Comments (Use back if necessary)
























                Judges Signature

