NPDL Tournament of Champions

2023 — NSDA Campus, US


Round 1
A. On balance, tech singularity poses the largest threat to humanity in the coming decades.

B. Info slide: Essential employees include medical workers, food and agriculture workers, and other jobs (including those outlined here - Who are essential workers?: A comprehensive look at their wages, demographics, and unionization rates | Economic Policy Institute).
Resolved: The United States Federal Government should establish labor contracts for all essential employees who declare they will go on strike.

C. High school students ought to be allowed to participate in social movements during school hours.

Round 2

A. Judicial Review creates an imbalance between the three branches of government.

B. The African Union should establish a unified currency for signatories of the AfCFTA.

C. The United States Federal Government should nationalize the railway industry.

Round 3

A. On balance, artificial intelligence-generated art does more good than harm.

B. Universal preschool ought to be considered a human right.

C. The World Bank should terminate its Structural Adjustment Programs.

Round 4

A. Developed nations have a moral obligation to have open borders with developing nations.

B. Capitalism is in decline.

C. The United States Federal Government should significantly increase funding in hydrogen fuel cell technology.

Round 5

A. The United States Federal Government should repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

B. The United States Federal Government should improve rural public health by expanding access to and availability of rural broadband services.

C. Multilateral relations ought to be preferred over bilateral relations by developing economies.

Round 6

A. The United States Federal Government should cap the costs of all life-saving medications sold in the United States.

B. Feminist movements ought to prioritize solidarity with other social justice movements over other forms of organizing.

C. DNA evidence testing ought to be mandatory in all capital cases where DNA evidence is available.

Round 7

A. Physicians ought to prefer the biopsychosocial model of health over the biomedical model of health.

B. Quality of social life in the United States as a teenage boy is getting worse.

C. The United States Federal Government should substantially increase investment in hydroelectric power.


A. Television shows with protagonists with marginalized identities have a moral obligation to depict the struggles of that marginalized community.

B. The United States Federal Government should ban microplastics.

C. Peaceful protest is more consistent with democracy than militant protest.


A. All individuals ought to have the right to national citizenship.

B. The United States Federal Government should place a cap on annual tuition costs to attend colleges and universities.

C. Law enforcement should only be able to access personal electronic devices with a warrant.


A. Hard determinism is preferable to compatibilism.

B. The African Union should send significant financial support to the Amazonian Independence Movement.

C. On balance, the present condition of humanity (in 2023) is preferable to its condition in 2050.


A. State-led economies should be preferred over free market economies.

B. Gender equality cannot be achieved within a capitalist economy.

C. The United States Federal Government should invoke the War Powers Resolution of 1973 to clarify that the President is required to obtain approval and periodic reapproval by Congress to provide arms and/or advisers to a party in a counterterrorism operation.