The Ed Long Invitational at The Hockaday School

2020 —, TX/US

Judging Information

Judging Commitments and Expectations

We have some important information to communicate regarding judging. Please read this through. Your entry to tournament is consent that you agree to these terms.

Judges are committed on a day basis. Yes, we know tabroom does it by round, but our judge pools are allocated by day availability. For example, if you owe one judge in debate that judge is committed to attend both days of the tournament.

If a judge cannot attend the full day then that information must be inputted and communicated to the tournament BEFORE the start of the tournament. We understand that things happen, and emergencies occur, and will work with people on those issues, but failure to foresee scheduling availabilities will incur the missing judge penalty.

The missed round penalty is $50.00. This will hold true for each round, and each flight, of an event. Experience has taught us that in this virtual environment it is critical that judges attend their rounds! We would rather have your judge than your money!

Judges are expected to have a linked tabroom account. We will try to notify people of unlinked accounts, but it is the job of the coach of each school to have performed that duty.

Judges are expected to be trained. We will not train people how to enter ballots or how to judge debates. Please make sure your judges are informed on both before proceeding to enter them.