NSDA Springboard Scrimmage 13

2024 — NSDA Campus, IA/US
Field in Open Duo Async (same room)
9 entries
Institution Location Entry Code
Clarke IA Drake & Hay Evelyn Drake & Oliver Hay
Gutierrez Middle School of Arts and Sciences TX/US Garza & Zerutche Iommi Garza & Tatyanah Zerutche
Clarke IA Antoine & Schlichte Janie Antoine & Jack Schlichte
Gutierrez Middle School of Arts and Sciences TX/US Kortan & Rohrbough Karina Kortan & Camila Rohrbough
Gutierrez Middle School of Arts and Sciences TX/US Escobedo & Haug Lauren Escobedo & Haylee Haug
San Francisco Day CA/US Lane & Motnyk Margo Lane & Olivia Motnyk
Edmond Santa Fe OK/US Harrison & Hutsell Maxwell Harrison & Lily Hutsell
Delta CO/US Randria & Asavei Mia Randria & Ana Asavei
Clarke IA Domina & Lundquist Micah Domina & Zeke Lundquist