Cuthbertson Classic
Speech Paradigm List
All Paradigms:
Ken Bergeman
Cuthbertson High School
Ravindra Bhat
Ardrey Kell High School
Sireesha Boddapati
Ardrey Kell High School
Jason Burtis
Marvin Ridge High School
Last changed on
Sat October 5, 2024 at 2:31 AM EST
Current Experience:
Co-Advisor for Marvin Ridge HS Speech & Debate Club
Parent of Cuthbertson HS Speech Student
Have been judging as a parent and an advisor for 2 years now
Spanish & French Teacher, National Honor Society Advisor
Previous Experience:
Directed HS theatre program & taught a speech course (also HS level)
Managed a business for 15 years
DEBATE: I value good delivery and awareness of the audience for debate events. No "spreading" -- if you are incomprehensible, your arguments will not convey. Make good use of your cross-fires, be respectful. Interesting and innovative contentions can be stimulating, but make sure that you have good citations to ground in reality, not speculation.
SPEECH: For speech, I have no hold-ups for possible "triggers" in material. I will react as an audience member. I value good use of evidence and organized delivery, especially for info, extemp, impromptu, etc. Random movement and pacing is a distractor. Always happy to enjoy a great speech or performance!
I take contemporaneous notes, so they will flow in the order of your speech, from execution comments to suggestions, and analysis of structure. I am happy to give immediate verbal feedback to all competitors to help with any improvements that can be made, if time allows and permitted by the host school.
Ivanna Campbell
Providence High School
Kartikey Dave
Ardrey Kell High School
Last changed on
Sat February 24, 2024 at 11:18 AM EST
I have experience judging since 2022. Judging is based on looking for following criteria:
Content: organization of speech, evidences, language used
Pace of speech: very important
Projection and Posture during speech
Eye contact with audience (not glued to the paper)
Krishna Gopalakrishnan
North Mecklenburg High School
Impana Gopinath
North Mecklenburg High School
Erik Gorczynski
Asheville High School
Last changed on
Sat November 23, 2024 at 2:38 AM EST
I am a returning parent judge. I will provide constructive notes for students.
Here are a few notes for students:
1. Speak as clearly as possible.
2. Please signpost and frame your arguments in a logical flow.
3. Be courteous, polite and respectful to your opponents.
Ashok Jena
Ardrey Kell High School
Last changed on
Mon February 26, 2024 at 11:59 AM EST
I'm a parent judge and I like it when debate/speech is clear and easy to understand.
Mona Kasera
East Mecklenburg High School
Karuna Kataria
Ballantyne Ridge High School
Annie Lord
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics - Morganton
Last changed on
Sat January 13, 2024 at 3:07 AM EST
I am a parent judge with experience judging most Speech Events. I also participated in Speech and Debate as student.
In the Interpretation events I prefer that you introduce your piece and author prior to speaking (I wont start the clock until we agree) not just in your intro.
I can't wait to see what you've been working on!
For debate:
I prefer that you don't talk too fast or spread - I need to be able to understand what you're saying in order to judge its merits. I take a lot of notes and will try to judge on the flow.
For PF, please clearly articulate your contentions, back them up with warrants and support with strong evidence. I don't fully flow Crossfire or Cross-Ex, so anything important that you want noted, please extend in your next speech, and make it clear why it's important to your case or detracts from your opponent's. Please don’t run progressive debate unless something extreme has happened in the round, I will not know how to evaluate it.
By your final focus or last speech, you should have made a convincing case why your impacts or value out-weigh your opponent's. And in keeping with the rules of debate, do not bring up any new arguments in the second half of a round, or they will be disregarded. Good luck and have fun!
Melissa Manderson
Asheville High School
Chris McClanahan
Myers Park High School
Last changed on
Sat November 16, 2024 at 10:50 AM EST
I am a parent judge in my second year of speech & debate and have now judged several tournaments for LD, Congress, and PF.
Please limit spreading, speak clearly, and ensure you are explicitly making your points! I will be less able to effectively judge you on your merits and arguments if I am unable to track what you are saying. Speed and volume are not substitutes for well articulated arguments!
Depending on the event, I will likely take lots of notes and often be heads down. I will be engaged whether making direct eye contact or not. Be explicit regarding what supports your case and/or what detracts from your opponent.
By your closing, you should have made a convincing case why your impacts or value out-weigh your opponent’s. In keeping with the rules of debate, do not bring up any new arguments in the second half of a round, or they will be disregarded.
While I will keep time for appropriate events, I expect you to be responsible for your time. Please, please, confirm that both your judges and opponent(s) are ready before launching into a segment!
I will not reveal my decision or give feedback after the round (except in higher rounds with multiple judges), but I will make every effort to leave notes in Tabroom for the round and each individual.
Good luck and enjoy!
David Morgan
Weddington High School
Radi Muhammad
Charlotte Latin School
Michael Neelon
School Of Inquiry & Life Sciences At Asheville (SILSA)
Carley Nevills
North Mecklenburg High School
Sudheer Patil
Ardrey Kell High School
Greetings! I am a professional in the energy and power generation industry. I volunteer for cub scout, odyssey of the mind and now speech and debate. I have judged different competitions. My kid is interested in speech and debate competitions would like to support her by participating and supporting the event.
Ana Perez
Ardrey Kell High School
Sumit Potdar
Ardrey Kell High School
Kavitha Ramana
Cuthbertson High School
I am a parent judge, and this is my first year in this role. As a lay judge, I appreciate clear and understandable communication. Please speak at a steady pace, as it can be difficult for me to follow if the speech is too fast. I also prefer that you avoid using technical terms. Lastly, I value respectful and kind behavior throughout the competition. Be confident and good luck with your speech today!
Devang Raval
Ardrey Kell High School
Sally Rawlinson
Marvin Ridge High School
I am a parent judge and Cuthbertson Classic will be my first speech and debate judging experience.
Rebecca Richman
Myers Park High School
Heather Salam
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics - Morganton
Last changed on
Fri February 2, 2024 at 9:03 AM EST
I appreciate poise, confidence and intentional movement.
Please be prepared.
I appreciate statistics and they must be cited with source and date/timeframe.
Respect for each other is required.
Pritesh Shah
Ardrey Kell High School
Last changed on
Fri March 1, 2024 at 11:44 AM EST
I am relatively new judge with modest experience of judging. I am thrilled to be here today . I will take notes during your speech. Let me know if you need time signals during your speech.
Pawanjit Singh
Ardrey Kell High School
Vivek Srinivasan
Ardrey Kell High School
Last changed on
Fri November 15, 2024 at 1:20 PM EST
This is the first time that I've judged this event.
Virginia Stevenson
Myers Park High School
Last changed on
Wed January 31, 2024 at 12:07 AM EST
I am a relatively new parent judge. I will probably take a lot of notes.
Edwin Sundaravadivoo
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics - Morganton
Bryan Teck Cheng Tan
Ardrey Kell High School
Bharath Thippireddy
Cuthbertson High School
Avinash Tilokani
Ballantyne Ridge High School
Radhika Vinnakota
Ballantyne Ridge High School
Sarah Wiles
Porter Ridge High School
I am a veteran secondary science teacher with a passion for seeing students grow by taking academic and personal risks to expand their skills and experience.
With my science background, I focus on content and validity of information. Make sure your references are timely and relevant.
Be respectful to me and your fellow competitors. It is very important to me that everyone is treated with dignity and equality.
Do not speak so quickly that you lose me, or your competing colleague, in your flow or take the focus away from your argument. I will be looking for a clear framework with strong supporting evidence. Using your argument with creativity is more important than how strong it may be.
I will do my best to provide specific feedback on ways to improve your speech and debate skills; we are all lifelong learners.
Good Luck!
Gang Yang
Charlotte Latin School