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Sun March 3, 2024 at 11:17 AM PST
If you are sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or ableist you will lose my vote.
About me:
I was a policy debater in the 90s.
I want to see good speeches with meaning, not just a lot of speeches. You'll win more points from me with one better defined speech than three poor speeches. Be respectful of your fellow senators.
I lean toward a tabula rasa mindset when it comes to CX. I want to see a good clean debate, tell me where you win and how. I look at the flow and see where the winning points are and the better policy option wins.
This style of debate should not be able cramming as much information as possible into your speech. Speak clearly.
LD is a values debate and should be won based on how you best uphold your value. State your value and value criterion clearly. Then explicitly link your arguments and criterions back to these.
The weight of decision goes to who best upholds their value and/or can incorporate their opponent's value into their own.
All Debaters:
Just because a weak argument has been dropped doesn't mean you'll win on this point. If you have 10 points and lose on 9 but your opponent drops one you'll still lose.
I am the time keeper and my time piece is right. I don't mind self timing but don't bother with "and time starts now" when you start talking I'll start my time. I give hand signals starting at 3 minutes.
I don't find tricks where you paint your opponent into a box they cannot debate in convincing. Everyone has prepared for the same topic, let's debate on that.
Finally, treat each other with respect.
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