Texas Open

2025 — Austin, TX/US
Debate Paradigm List
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Andrew Allsup - ONLINE Hire 6 rounds
Thomas Babcock Wichita State University 2 rounds
Kristiana Baez Baylor University 3 rounds
Will Baker New York University 8 rounds
Dustyn Beutelspacher UTD 4 rounds
Ana Bittner George Mason University 3 rounds
Brett Bricker University of Kansas 1 rounds
Taylor Brough Wake Forest University 5 rounds
Adrienne Brovero University of Kentucky 1 rounds
Holden Bukowsky - ONLINE University of North Texas 4 rounds
Azja Butler University of Kansas 5 rounds
Neil Butt - ONLINE James Madison University 1 rounds
AJ Byrne Northwestern University 4 rounds
Ryan Cavanaugh University of Kansas 7 rounds
Kaine Cherry - ONLINE Oklahoma 1 rounds
Vida Chiri - ONLINE Liberty University 1 rounds
Deven Cooper CSU Long Beach 8 rounds
Morgan Copeland - ONLINE Liberty University 1 rounds
David Cram Helwich Minnesota 1 rounds
Ari Davidson Texas 4 rounds
Brian DeLong Indiana University 2 rounds
Kenny Delph Wake Forest University 4 rounds
Jared DeMunbrun Southern Nazarene University 5 rounds
Jordan Di Northwestern University
Ian Dill Texas 4 rounds
Maverick Edwards - ONLINE Liberty University 2 rounds
Clayton Engelby Missouri State University 5 rounds
Josiah Ferguson Minnesota 5 rounds
Kurt Fifelski University of Michigan 2 rounds
Anekah Fish - ONLINE Indiana University 2 rounds
Corey Fisher Harvard 6 rounds
Nick Fleming University of California, Berkeley 2 rounds
Neymara Freeman Wichita State University 8 rounds
Ned Gidley University of Kansas 6 rounds
Rob Glass University of Houston 4 rounds
Martin Glendinning Southern Nazarene University 8 rounds
Logan Goldstein - ONLINE Wake Forest University 4 rounds
Jaysyn Green CSU Long Beach 4 rounds
Justin Green Wake Forest University 3 rounds
Ethan Greer Northwestern University 2 rounds
David Griffith University of Kentucky 4 rounds
Sam Gustavson UTD 2 rounds
Sherry Hall - ONLINE University of Houston 5 rounds
Jyleesa Hampton - ONLINE University of Kansas 4 rounds
Joshua Harrington Emory University 4 rounds
Derek Hilligoss University of Kansas 6 rounds
Kevin Hirn University of Michigan 2 rounds
Kaleb Horne - ONLINE Liberty University 8 rounds
Shannon Howley Wake Forest University 4 rounds
Lawson Hudson Baylor University 8 rounds
Frank P Irizarry Suffolk University Debate 3 rounds
Christopher Jackson Marian University 4 rounds
Michael Janas Samford University 4 rounds
Aryan Jasani Indiana University 4 rounds
William Jensen Trinity University
Taylor Johnson - ONLINE James Madison University 1 rounds
Tommy Jordan - ONLINE University of Southern California 6 rounds
Viveth Karthikeyan Emory University 4 rounds
John Katsulas Boston College 2 rounds
Noel Keil - ONLINE Northern Iowa 2 rounds
Brandon Kelley Georgetown 2 rounds
Justin Ward Kirk Hire 8 rounds
Mark Kivimaki Minnesota 6 rounds
Gabby Knight Southern Nazarene University 4 rounds
Julian Kuffour University of Southern California 2 rounds
Eric Lanning University of Houston 5 rounds
Beau Larsen Macalester College 4 rounds
George Lee Oklahoma 2 rounds
Adam Lee - ONLINE Boston College 2 rounds
Nick Lepp - ONLINE Michigan State University 6 rounds
Gabe Lewis Georgetown 1 rounds
Adam Lipton Hire 8 rounds
Nick Loew George Mason University 3 rounds
Chris Loghry Johnson County Community College 2 rounds
Ian Lowery George Mason University 2 rounds
Geoff Lundeen West Georgia 4 rounds
Flynn Makuch - ONLINE Hire 2 rounds
Mikaela Malsin Emory University 4 rounds
Nate Martin - ONLINE University of Southern California 2 rounds
Kevin McCaffrey - ONLINE Michigan State University 3 rounds
Hunter McCullough University of Kentucky 3 rounds
Valerie McIntosh University of Michigan 2 rounds
Alex McVey Kansas State 3 rounds
Dustin Meyers-Levy University of Michigan 2 rounds
Joshua Michael University of Southern California 2 rounds
Joshua Mitchell University of Wyoming 8 rounds
Henry Mitchell - ONLINE University of California, Berkeley 2 rounds
Squid Monteith - ONLINE Northern Iowa 2 rounds
Jack Moore Trinity University 4 rounds
Gabriel Morbeck Emory University 4 rounds
Rishi Mukherjee Harvard 3 rounds
Devane Murphy University of Kentucky 4 rounds
Bruce Najor - ONLINE Michigan State University 3 rounds
Manny Navarrete - ONLINE Emory University 6 rounds
Benjamín Noriega Hire 8 rounds
Danielle O'Gorman Navy 2 rounds
Oge Ogbogu - ONLINE Harvard 1 rounds
Kwudjwa Osei Macalester College 8 rounds
Bobby Phillips Wichita State University 2 rounds
Scott Phillips Dartmouth College 6 rounds
Jazmine Pickens - ONLINE Harvard 2 rounds
Timothee Pinet - ONLINE James Madison University 8 rounds
Jackie Poapst George Mason University
Ec Powers University of Kansas 6 rounds
Allison Pujol Texas 4 rounds
Bryce Rao - ONLINE Georgetown 5 rounds
Tripp Rebrovick Harvard 1 rounds
Devon Reese University of Southern California 5 rounds
William Repko - ONLINE Michigan State University 3 rounds
Tajaih Robinson University of Iowa 3 rounds
Spencer Roetlin University of Iowa 3 rounds
Nathan Rothenbaum Missouri State University 3 rounds
Juliette Salah Suffolk University Debate 3 rounds
Phillip Samuels - ONLINE Wichita State University 2 rounds
Jeremy santora - ONLINE Hire 8 rounds
Dennis Savill Southern Nazarene University 3 rounds
Joe Schatz - ONLINE Binghamton University 7 rounds
Jim Schultz - ONLINE Purdue University 4 rounds
Michael Scott University of Kansas 7 rounds
Abhis Sedhai - ONLINE James Madison University 2 rounds
Zahir Shaikh Emory University 4 rounds
Lindsey Shook - ONLINE Oklahoma 1 rounds
Jesse Smith University of Houston 6 rounds