2024 — Schaumburg, IL/US
LD Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideLincoln-Douglas: I am a traditional LD judge. When I'm deciding who won the round, I first evaluate framing issues like definitions, ground, and burdens. Then I evaluate the value/criterion level to determine what standard(s) I'm using to weigh the impacts. In many of the rounds I judge, I believe that there is unnecessary clash over values and criteria because both sides have the same standard but are using slightly different language. Once I understand the standard(s) level of the debate, I weigh the contention level arguments' impacts to see which side better upholds their standard. You debaters should be weighing impacts during your rebuttal speeches, and those impacts should carry weight because they connect to the standard.
I'm not great at flowing speed. Fast conversational is my limit.
I have a hard time following debates when the arguments are referred to by author names.
If you have a different approach to LD than the traditional model, I am open to it. I just need an explanation for why I should award you my ballot.
Congress: I generally follow the ICDA Congressional Debate rubric for scoring speeches.
Additionally, I ask myself "Is this the appropriate speech for the moment?" The first few speeches should construct the best arguments for and against the legislation, the speeches in the middle of the sequence should focus on refutation and extension, and the final speeches should have weighing and crystallization. For example, if the Con makes a great, impactful argument for why the legislation will have devastating unintended consequences, I expect the Pro side to engage with that argument right away.
For nominations and ranks, I'm rewarding the debaters who I believe would most persuade someone who is on the fence about the issues.