Last changed on
Sat November 16, 2024 at 3:03 AM PST
Policy debater at Peninsula High School
Add me to email chain at
General notes
- Speed/spreading is fine but prioritize clarity. If I can’t understand you, I can’t flow your arguments.
- Judge instruction and impact calc will go a long way.
- Quality > Quanity: take time to articulate your best points and be persuasive. Don’t rely on shallow, dropped arguments.
- I want to see that you understand your argument and can confidently defend/extend it (especially in cross). Don’t read something you don’t understand.
- Open cross-x is fine if both teams consent
- Tech > Truth
- Be respectful. You should enjoy debating- don't make it stressful or a bad experience. Please don’t be rude to your opponents (or your partner) and avoid saying anything racist/sexist/homophobic.
[Affs] Know your case. Explain why the aff matters, why it is necessary, and what impacts I should prioritize.
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[DAs] IMPACT CALC. Why do your impacts outweigh the aff’s? Time frame, probability, magnitude, etc.
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[CPs] How is the CP better than the plan? Provide strong evidence that they are mutually exclusive or I may be persuaded by a perm + net benefit argument.