Katy Cats Swing TFA

2025 — Katy, TX/US
LD/PF - In Person Paradigm List
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Matt Anzardo Seven Lakes High School None
Miryam Aparicio Seven Lakes High School None
Zachary Scott Baker Hire
Perry Beard Hire
Isaac Chao Bellaire High School
jason courville The Kinkaid School
Tyler M Crivella Hire
Stephen Curto Providence Classical High School - Spring
Sontee Dastidar Cinco Ranch JH None
Emily Dobbs Cinco Ranch High School
Prachi Dubey St Agnes Academy
Idara Etuks Jordan High School
Maria Fai Hire
Saurabh Gangwar Jordan High School 6 rounds None
Nasir Hussain William P. Clements High School
Sneha Elsa Jobby Hire
Gopi krishna Kamineni Seven Lakes High School None
Vibhu Kanna Jordan High School
Julie Liu Hire
Armando Lopez Morton Ranch High School
Falak Malik William P. Clements High School
Ashley Malone Seven Lakes High School None
Richie Malone Seven Lakes High School None
tom McDonald St Agnes Academy
Gregory McGee Katy Taylor High School
Amritha Nair William P. Clements High School None
Thuan Nguyen Hire
Leonor Picott Seven Lakes High School
Dhana Ramachandran Seven Lakes High School None
Shubha Rao Jordan High School
ELizabeth Rebello St Agnes Academy None
Naveen Santhosh Hire 6 rounds
Iram Shaikh William P. Clements High School
Tamkeen Shroff Seven Lakes High School None
Devon Stevenson The Village High School
Adam Sun Bellaire High School
Ruby Sun Bellaire High School
Max T Ta Hire
Neville Tom Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
Stephanie Wen Bellaire High School
Michael Wollner Michael E. DeBakey High School None
Jerry Yang Seven Lakes High School None