Mid America Cup

2024 — Online, IA/US
Public Forum Paradigm List
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Yaser Abudagga Iowa City West 6 rounds
Marcia Almeida DeMacedo Ames 2 rounds None
Santhoshi Balasubramanian West Windsor Plainsboro South 4 rounds
Nicholas Borgmyer Park Vista Community High School 4 rounds
Christopher Breuer Brentwood High School 6 rounds
Christopher Bryant Cranbrook 6 rounds
Carrie Carman Arlington High School 6 rounds
Me Me Chan Lambert High School 3 rounds
Colin Coulter East 4 rounds
Sriman Dooshety Millard North High School 6 rounds
Laurice Duan The Chapin School 6 rounds
Priti Dutta West Windsor Plainsboro South 3 rounds
Jeremy Fitzpatrick Johnston 4 rounds
Crystal Fu Richard Montgomery High School 4 rounds
Aanya Ghosh Lexington HS 6 rounds
Vaibhav Goel West Windsor Plainsboro South 3 rounds
Calvin Goldsberry Theodore Roosevelt High School 6 rounds
Krishnakumar Gurusamy Interlake HS 6 rounds
Steve Haile SF Lincoln Debate 4 rounds
Maeve Hall Rowland Hall 4 rounds
Donhee Ham Lincoln-Sudbury Regional HS 4 rounds
Wenyao Hu Germantown Academy 2 rounds
Yutong Hu Cranbrook 6 rounds
Yan Huang Acton-Boxborough Regional High School 3 rounds
Ankur Jaswal Folsom High School 4 rounds
Jintao Jiang Langley 6 rounds
Asish Jindal West Windsor Plainsboro South 3 rounds
Samuel Juhl East 4 rounds
Parker Klyn Theodore Roosevelt High School 4 rounds
Takeshi Kobayashi Ames 2 rounds None
Harika Kondapally Hamilton High School
Mehul Lakhanpal Horace Mann School 4 rounds
Shanjun Li Montgomery Blair 4 rounds
Klil Loeb Lexington HS 6 rounds
Dylan McEntyre Eden Prairie High School 4 rounds
Abhijeet Mehendale Ravenwood High School 6 rounds
Brooke Meints Lincoln East High School 6 rounds
Larry Mi Canyon Crest Academy 6 rounds None
Irfan Mirza Interlake HS 6 rounds
Denis Mrkva Palm Harbor University High School 4 rounds
Alka Mukker Lambert High School 4 rounds
Sridhar Narra Acton-Boxborough Regional High School 3 rounds
Vinatha Pai West Windsor Plainsboro South 3 rounds
Hassan Palanpurwala Iowa City West 6 rounds
Akshat Paul West Windsor Plainsboro South 3 rounds
James Piazza* Dowling Catholic High School 4 rounds
Pradeep Pithumani Mira Loma High School 6 rounds
Vimala Ranganathan Interlake HS 6 rounds
Phanindra Ravi Wheeler High School 6 rounds
Sinan Roumie Avenues: The World School 4 rounds
Irina Rozinsky CR North High School 4 rounds
Alyssa Serebrenik Mount Si High School 4 rounds
Austin Siefken Lakeville North High School 4 rounds
Aparna Srinivasan Interlake HS 6 rounds
Sathiyandrakumar Srinivasan Ravenwood High School 4 rounds
Andy Stowers Forest Hunter College 6 rounds
Marge Strong The Harker School 4 rounds
Daoshan Sun Ardrey Kell High School 6 rounds
Craig Swartz Germantown Academy 2 rounds
Chunlin Tang Hunter College 4 rounds
Emma Thomas-McGinnis Hire 6 rounds
Charlie Timm Theodore Roosevelt High School 6 rounds
Ria Vasishtha Lexington HS 6 rounds
Charlie Walker Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 6 rounds
Nathan Wang Stratford 4 rounds
Cat Williams Brentwood High School 4 rounds
Gordon Wilson McLean High School 4 rounds
Yuxing Xiao Lambert High School 3 rounds
Nicole Yang Boston Latin School 6 rounds
Yizhi Yao Hamilton High School 6 rounds
Dave Zhang Livingston High School 4 rounds
Qi Zhang Interlake HS 6 rounds