Memorial Mustang Spring Woods Tiger Swing
Speech and Interp Paradigm List
All Paradigms:
Last changed on
Wed January 10, 2024 at 7:19 AM EST
IEs: Do not overcomplicate your performance. I am looking for effective delivery! Also I am a stickler for effective movement and blocking.
PF: I prefer to hear good arguments and sources. Spreading is not encouraged. Good summaries and crystallization are key.
WSD: Clash is key. Crystallize the differences and present mechanisms effectively. Spreading is discouraged.
Congress: Good use of sources, creative speech writing, persuasive delivery, clash, and adherence to Parliamentary procedure are essential. It is also important that the chamber act respectfully and cooperatively, where civil debate occurs and the conversation is not dominated by any individual or group of competitors.
CX: Affirmative teams will need to address stock issues convincingly. Clash and Extension in later rounds are more important than new arguments. Avoid Kritiks and spreading.
Keep in mind I am a traditional judge! However I am open minded to new ideas presented/performed!
Francisca Aguilar
Spring Woods High School
Zarida Ali
Spring Woods High School
Arkana Anwar
Memorial High School
Arthur Arrambide
Spring Woods High School
Aquilla Aubrey
The Woodlands High School
Joshua Ault
Spring Woods High School
Rafael Bacigalupo
St Agnes Academy
Last changed on
Fri October 4, 2024 at 9:20 AM CST
No preference...just do your best, and always be respectful to others.
Carolina Balboa
Spring Woods High School
Last changed on
Sat September 28, 2024 at 1:33 PM EST
Add me to any email chains at
Currently in undergrad, did PF with Duchesne HS for four years. So while I am familiar with debate, treat me like a lay judge.
Covering the basics: discrimination of any kind (basis of sex, race, gender identity, orientation, religion, physical/mental ability) will not betolerated. The same thing applies for behavior in round. Any cruel or condescending behavior will be reflected in the ballots. I am not afraid to tank your speaks for your failure to be a decent human being.
For Debate:
1. Speak clearly and confidently, but still be respectful of your teammates and opponents. I understand if you accidentally interrupt someone during cross, but if you make it consistent, I will note it. Do not spread. I will not take speaks off for clarity if you can't change your circumstances (speech impediment, etc.) Everyone starts at 28.5 speaks.
2.Especially for PF: Debate should be accessible and, unless necessary, should be about the topic. I will evaluate theory if an actual violation has occurred (don't even try running disclosure). Don't even try Ks with me, I'm not familiar with the lit. Framework is fine.
3. If you have three or less contentions and plan on collapsing, make that very clear in the speech. If you have four or more - your arguments are not strong enough. They are underdeveloped.
4. I am going to assume you plan on signposting, weighting, walking me through the argument, telling me why you win and your opponent loses, etc. If you don't plan on doing that - please do.
5. TIMING AND PREP ARE NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY. Will I time your speeches? Yes. Am I going to stop you if you go overtime? No. Will it affect your speaks? Yes. With prep, I don't really care if you're 5 seconds over by accident, but don't stall the round.
6. Don't be shady with your evidence. Don't quote an analytic if you don't have the card. If you're highlighting specific letters in words unrelated to form an entirely new sentence, you are being dishonest and I will listen to anyone who wants to call you out on this.
Most of you guys are fine, you don't need to worry too much about all this. Just do your best!
For Speech:
1. Speak clearly and confidently, have a presence to you and your performance. Show your personality, deliver with intention, have fun with whatever you're doing. If you care, I care. That will be what puts you above your competitors.
2. I am not too familiar with speech -if there is some unspoken rule about how to do/judge speech competitions, I do not know it.
3. I'm not going to judge too harshly on fidgeting, unnecessary hand movements, etc. Sometimes you can't control that, I get it. Same with any speech impediments or the like.
4. If you're doing extempt - answer the question. Explain your argument. Communicate it well.
Same as debate, most of you know this already. I'm excited to see what you can do!
That's about it. If you have any questions or need to notify me of anything, don't hesitate to email me! Good luck!
Astrid Bernal
Spring Woods High School
Bonnie Bonnette
Elkins High School
Last changed on
Wed January 3, 2024 at 12:59 AM CST
I am a very traditional judge with many years of coaching experience. I am not a fan of speed, and I prefer traditional arguments. That is my preference; it does not mean that I won't listen to the arguments made and weigh the evidence.
I am a policy maker and want to follow the argumentation and see the flow of the debate clearly. I can't outweigh one side over another if I don't know why I should because the argument itself was either made too quickly to catch or does not have a clear link. What I do want to hear is the Plan and any counter-plans the Neg offers; I need to see how and why the policy works/outweighs, etc.
I do not want to be included on an email chain, but for the sake of time, you may go ahead and do so. The email address is First of all, I think that makes tournaments run very long; second, I want to SEE the flow of the debate. If I don't hear you say it and don't flow it, it doesn't count. However, just because I don't want that doesn't mean I will refuse the evidence. I will accept the email and read the shared evidence. No flash drives, however, please.
I rarely vote on Topicality arguments, and I don't like the Neg strategy of throwing out half a dozen arguments to see which one or two will actually "stick". I would rather hear a full development of two or three off-case arguments that clearly apply to the topic and to the Affirmative case. Kritiks are okay as long as they are not "off the wall" arguments. I said that I rarely vote on Topicality, but I have done so in the past.
i have been judging CX for over twenty years. Please don't treat me like I am stupid, but also don't assume I can (or will) judge like the college kids do.
Alejandra Book
Jordan High School
Last changed on
Sat August 31, 2024 at 5:08 AM CST
As a general idea I am not a very strict judge. However, I do have a few preferences.
- In your speech, I prefer clear concise structure and ideas.
- Good conclusions in any event are a big win for me because of the importance of wrapping your piece.
- I would like to see everyone make the most of your allotted time.
- I am very passionate about having respect and kindness to your peers and the judges.
Have Fun!
Andrew Burgos
Elkins High School
Last changed on
Fri January 5, 2024 at 9:51 AM CST
General Paradigms:
-My greatest emphasis in a debate round is impact (what are we debating, if not the topic's impact on people/society as a whole?)
-I place great weight on logical progression of ideas, and the closer your links line up, the better off you will be
-Be cautious when using jargon since I only have limited debate experience
-Speak slowly and clearly. It does not matter how good your argument is if I can't understand it. DO NOT SPREAD. Whatever speed you believe is not spreading, slow down an additional 50%.
-As someone with extensive speech experience through choir, theatre, and voice acting, I am always listening for speaking quality as well as arguments, and a good presentation can take you a long way.
Event Specific Paradigms:
-IE Events: always make sure that any modulation in your performance is motivated. Emphasis, speed, and volume are all well and good but they do nothing if their placement doesn't make any sense
- PF/LD: always be sure to keep track of your arguments. If you make a claim about your opponent's argument that is not true, it illustrates that you are simply reading off a pre-prepared script without actually properly engaging in the debate.
Siobhan Burns
The Woodlands College Park
Jessica Carbajal
Spring Woods High School
Aileen Carcamo-Bahena
Last changed on
Fri September 6, 2024 at 8:19 AM EST
In info, I like to see creative visuals!!
In extemp, please answer your question and stick to your topic.
Overall, I expect to hear good organization and structure of your speech.
I also expect good flow in your speech.
Make sure I know what your points are by making them stand out.
I like it when speeches are funny!!
I like to see creative or different topics!
Avoid fidgeting, moving around too much, and having too many hand gestures since it can be distracting.
Maintain eye contact, but please don’t look at me for too long.
Having a good tone, and enunciation, are important when speaking!
Be sure to cite your sources in your speech.
Be sure to pace yourself when speaking, don’t speak too slow or too fast.
Let your personality shine, it’s what makes the speech yours and makes you stand out from the others!!
I should be able to follow the piece without getting lost or confused.
Good blocking is essential, especially when used to distinguish different characters.
Also having each character have a different voice or accent is important too.
Be sure I can tell when you go from the teaser to the introduction. In general, transitions are significant throughout the performance.
I expect to hear a good introduction.
Have good emotions, facial expressions, and buildup!!
Be sure to pace yourself when performing to avoid going overtime!
Maintain eye contact, but please don’t look at me for too long.
Overall, have fun with your performance, and hopefully, I’ll be laughing or crying or both throughout the performance!
Please don’t spread, I would like to understand and follow your speeches and arguments.
Also, try to avoid using big SAT-like words.
Cite your sources.
Have good and clear arguments.
Be respectful and civil with each other! No fights or insults, please.
Wilson Chang
Cinco Ranch High School
Last changed on
Tue November 12, 2024 at 12:07 PM CST
Background: Coach of Cinco Ranch HS (Katy ISD in Texas). 3rd year as Coach, 10th year as an educator. Did not participate in Speech & Debate in school. Honors/AP level English teacher, so assume that I know how to structure an argument and can follow your rationales.
IE Paradigm
Your event should dictate how you're approaching it: be funny for Humorous, weepy for Dramatic, emotive for Poetry/Prose, factual for Extemp, informative for... Informative. Just make sure you stay within the rules of your event (eye/physical contact, movement, etc.).
PF/LD Paradigm
- My students say that I am more of a Trad judge than Prog. Take that for what you will.
- Please keep the spread to a minimum. Even though I'm a coach, please treat me like I am a lay judge when it comes to speed. Don't spread like peanut butter and jelly.
- I do not know or particularly care about theories/kritiks, nor do I wish to. Personally I find that their usage takes away from the actual debating itself. Please save these tactics for a Tech judge that understands them. They will go totally over my head. If you want to ask beforehand if you can read this theory or that, assume that I will say no and just leave it at that.
- I do not need to be included on any email chain. That's for you and your teams to set up before we start the round. Please don't take up time in the round to set it up. Rounds are long enough as it is.
- Impacts matter more than just stating facts. Link the effect of your information instead of giving me a bunch of data and statistics without context.
- Don't get too lost in arguing over the definition of a specific word vs debating over the topic as a whole. Remember that you should have prepped cases on a topic, not on the wording of it.
- Keep discussions focused on the topic. Deviation from the stated resolution will hurt your side, as will irrelevant arguments and thoughts. I will be flowing your case as you talk.
- Be civil and respectful of each other. Articulate thoughts and counterpoints without making it personal. Don't just browbeat each other for the sake of your argument. Let opponents actually finish a point or thought before responding.
- Bullying your opponents will not yield positive results on the ballot. I will not hesitate to stop you mid-round to address any potential instances of disrespect or negativity, dock your speaker points, and address egregious incidents with your coaches later. Your coaches would do the same for you (I hope).
- While not necessary, do your best to reiterate your team's position at the end of your time (aff/neg, pro/con). Nothing more embarrassing than laying out a brilliant argument for your own side... and then telling me to vote for your opponent.
- Novices, feel free to ask me what you can do to improve as a competitor after the round is over. I'll do my best to teach you something.
Amit Chawla
Seven Lakes High School
Amanda Clare
Clear Falls High School
Be respectful to your teammates and opponents.
Don’t whisper to your teammate while your opponents are speaking, go old school and slide them a note.
I’m not a fan of spreading, if I can’t understand you, it makes it difficult for me to pick you as the stronger case. I will rank you down if you spread.
I’m not a tech judge, treat me as a well informed citizen from the street. (However, if there’s anything about history, you better be entertaining, that class was nap time for me)!
Randy Clare
Clear Falls High School
Last changed on
Sat September 28, 2024 at 5:33 AM CST
Be respectful to each other and treat others how you want to be treated.
Spreading is for butter on toast, leave it out of debate.
Spring Woods High School
Michael Gary Contreras
Spring Woods High School
Brian Daniel
Klein High School
Last changed on
Mon April 22, 2024 at 6:41 AM CST
PF: Focus on framework building + topicality (aff) and examining exclusivity + counterplan burden (neg). Weighing on impacts, uniqueness of cons, and magnitude. Speak clearly, slow to medium fast, do not spread. Signpost as you go through your case. Crossfire should be prepared and effective at asking/answering clarifying and combative questions.
LD/CX: Tabula Rasa + Hypothesis Tester: view resolution as hypothesis that the affirmative team tests through their plan. Heavy focus on resolution debate instead of plan-focused debate, and open to non-standard options for negative teams to use against the affirmative. Generic topic attacks, inherency arguments, counterplans, counter-warrants, and conditional arguments are generally all accepted.
WSD: Content, style, strategy. Content on prepared motions should be a given and of high priority. Less so on impromptu (but never unimportant). Tend to put heavier weight toward strategy: For example, if prop mentions a solution but does not fully address/explain and that it is a potential argument that works in opps favor, does that mean prop side made a mistake, or is that a tactic to further that particular argument opp addresses in order to show prop was aware and prepared for opp taking the bait? This would be an example or steering the debate using hidden counterplans or subtext to "force the hand" of the other team.
While reply speech is important, it is helpful to be more than just summative. Ask the audience to think more about the world you have created vs the world the other team has created (clash). Ensure the judge leaves with a strong sense you are right/better/more efficient/inclusive/utilitarian/ethical/whatever, and give the reason(s) why.
Daniela Daza Walter
Ambar Diaz
Spring Woods High School
Last changed on
Mon January 8, 2024 at 2:14 AM CST
Hi y'all! My name is Carlos Diaz and I competed for Spring Woods High School for four years and The University of Texas at Austin Speech Team for four years as well. I am currently the speech and debate director at Stratford High School.
My senior year of high school I was the 2016 TFA state champion in DUO as well as the 2016 TOC duo champion. My sophomore year of college I was a finalist in dramatic interpretation at the National Forensics Association tournament (top 6 out of 250 competitors). The following year I was a semi-finalist in persuasive speaking at the same tournament, (top 12 out of 250 competitors). Although I never competed in congress or extemp, my high school was state and nationally ranked in congressional debate, and I had the great fortune of having some of the best extempers in the nation as my teammates during my time in the UT speech team.
First- answer the question. Read the question carefully or you might give an entire speech that ultimately misses the mark.
Credible and great sources.
Strong format and structure. The speech should be able to flow easily and be coherent enough for non-speech judges.
I want a solid structure of the speech. The audience (and I as a judge) must be able to follow along with ease. This means previewing in your intro.
Be sure to use your space, especially between transitions and with hand gestures. This adds another layer to the delivery of the speech and it makes an enormous difference.
For OO- solutions need to be tangible, meaning things that I as an audience member can take up and do. If the solutions are abstract, you are not fulfilling your role as an orator.
For Info- implications are the man thing that make the speech. They need to be out of the box, and make the audience think of something we would not have otherwise.
Preview in your introduction.
You MUST have excellent sources and I will not look favorably upon a point that has no sources at all. How am I supposed to evaluate something that is purely opinion?
To PO's: I pay heavy attention to how you are conducting the round.
Be kind in questioning. Do not be abusive in any aspect of the speech.
I will be the most picky in this event just because it's my favorite and I usually have a lot of feedback to provide.
The intro in interp should always have a strong argument, preferably backed up by sources or studies that support the theme of the performance (and yes, even in HI).
Dramatic/Prose: I am looking for a well developed character. Additionally, it's nice to have a set environment that the audience is able to observe.
Although this event tends to be more dramatic (haha), I also want to see levels throughout. A piece that only has one tone and mood is boring, give me more! Add the humor, the doubt, the regret, the hesitance, the anger, and so much more that makes your character a real person.
Programs: Having a clear argument is imperative. Your literature can be anything as long as it connects with your main theme.
Characters need to be unique. I should not be able to confuse characters, so make them stand out. Things like changes in tone, accents (if appropriate), mannerisms, etc.
Humorous: Although the main point of this event is to be funny, i'd rather see it be clean and easy to follow. HI can tend to focus too much on the humor and ignore the plot of the script. Make sure you don't.
Characters need to be unique but also BIG. The entire point of HI is to be exaggerated and to have no boundaries or limitations (as long as it makes sense and adds to the story rather than distracts from it).
Overall, I am looking for people that are having fun! The amazing thing about interp is that you are given a platform to completely personify a character, an argument, and a story.
Last but not least- CONFIDENCE. If there's something that I've learned from competing in speech for eight years is that confidence is key. As long as you think of yourself as a winner, you will perform as a winner, and the audience will see you as a winner.
Thanks y'all!
Naomi Diaz
Spring Woods High School
Liz Diaz-Skae
Spring Woods High School
amy Ellingson
Spring Woods High School
Chris Emdin
Spring Woods High School
Michelle Emdin
Spring Woods High School
Genesis Escobar
Spring Woods High School
Carla Espinosa
Spring Woods High School
Carla Espinosa
Spring Woods High School
Jonathan Eyles
Clear Brook High School
Last changed on
Sun September 15, 2024 at 6:24 AM CST
For Debaters:
I like a "clean" debate - attack their arguments, not their person. Be careful of extreme language like "everything" and "none" - this kind of assertion is hard to prove. Speak quickly at your own risk - if speed decreases the persuasive powers of your speaking, it's probably not worth it. Specific evidence is always better than vague generalities.
For Speakers:
Art is art, which makes judgement difficult, but creativity within the constraints of the event and commitment to your performance tend to give competitors the edge over their competition. Creativity in subject matter also helps - if you're talking about something that everyone else is already talking about, your message will not resonate as powerfully as a someone who takes a more unique approach.
For General Knowledge:
I'm an English teacher with a background in film and advertising. I'm also a big fan of strategy games, so I appreciate all forms of speech/debate skill.
Spring Woods High School
McArthur Ferrer
Spring Woods High School
Nathan Figueroa
Spring Woods High School
Guadalupe Flores
Spring Woods High School
Patrick Font
Spring Woods High School
Last changed on
Thu November 14, 2024 at 6:36 AM CST
I competed in a bit of everything, but mainly WSD on the local (Houston), state, and national (East TX) levels.
While I understand and value worlds as ‘lay debate’, I do apply basic theory to worlds rounds to ensure impacts hold and I feel comfortable voting for ya. So:
- Tech>truth
- I’ll vote on principle impacts (if they aren’t hanged by the end of the round…)
- If you lose the fw debate you probably lose the round. if fws are different, please take this into account in the two and onwards. keep in mind; my patience for bad (unfair) framework dwindles quick, but warranting your fw should be somewhat philosophical inherently (think a classic defense of util in a pf round).
- Make sure models aren’t abusive.
- please don't talk about your world at me, worlds comparisons should be (duh) comparative and at the highest ground possible.
- ion wanna intervine pls :'(
- team cohesion is integral to winning in strategy. carry some type of narrative or at least common theme (characterization of your world/the comparative that is collapsable) down the bench and you'll be in good shape. speaking of collapses: I don't really care a whole lot about dropped args if you weigh good. in my experience the 'dropped arg' defense comes in wayyy too late and atp the opposing teams collapse is well underway so you should probably rethink time usage.
- obligatory comment on style: humor and proper tense usage is good and makes the round more fun for everyone, but I'll live with or without it.
Other than that, I disregard new args in the reply, take POIs, also, it’s great to have some passion and even some attitude lol (it’s worlds!), just stay respectful.
Other debate:
This isn’t my background, so keep speed to a minimum (especially when it comes to T and other theory args). Impacts are more important than heavy statistics.
Passion, meaningful blocking, make sure movement and verbal pauses are purposeful! Character transitions should be clear, and characters themselves should have uniqueness, whether that comes from blocking or oration.
Janet Fox
Memorial High School
Makayla Franco
Spring Woods High School
Marcos Franco
Spring Woods High School
Last changed on
Wed September 25, 2024 at 3:48 PM EST
New to judging, a proud parent of a high school debater, excited to see the process and help where needed
Melissa Franco
Spring Woods High School
Anthony Funes
Spring Woods High School
enjelf funes
Spring Woods High School
Anysabel Garcia
Tompkins High School
Briana Garcia
Spring Woods High School
Interp: When judging interp, I want to ensure your story is easy to follow and that your characterization is distinct. Use tone variation and maintain a strong, audible volume so I can hear you clearly.
OO and Info: Your speech should be well-structured and logically organized. The use of credible sources is crucial for supporting your arguments.
Extemporaneous Speaking: Ensure your speech is well-structured, with clear points and credible sources to back them up.
My main concern is that you try your best and have fun!!!
Catia Garcia
Spring Woods High School
Juan Pablo Garcia
Jersey Village High School
Last changed on
Mon October 28, 2024 at 8:54 AM CST
Alumni of Cypress Ranch High School - Primarily Congress and Extemp (De Moine DX 2024). Current Novice Policy Debater at the University of Houston.
T - I tend to default to competing interpretations. Good T debate should have clear standards at the end of the debate and reasons why I should vote for a team.
K - I love Kritik debate, despite not being well-versed with all of the K literature. I am familiar with Settler Colonialism, Security K, and Cap K, and I've ran some Latinx Ks. For more general Ks just as long as the links are contextualized to the aff.
DA - At the end of the debate there should be good link analysis and impact calculus. DAs should have a focus on the IL to impacts of the affirmative (e.g. We access... or We turn their impacts.)
CP - Good CPs should be specific, they should also have a good net benefit. I lean more negative when it comes to theory (conditionality). But if the neg reads four conditional CPs I will lean towards the affirmative when standards are flushed out and explained.
Lincoln Douglas
Phil - I love philosophical debate. I am familiar with Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, and Rosseau. That said, I am open to learning during the round as long as it is simplified and explained thoroughly. That said, any good Phil debate contains the links to the conclusion of the literature.
Framework - I believe in leveraging framework to win a round (e.g. If you win on protecting property and your resolutions accomplish so, even marginally, I will vote on it.) I ask that you make an effective comparison with your opponent.
Public Forum
By popular request, this is the only debate event I judge differently. I judge on the abstract of which world would I prefer to live in. Even if marginally. I derive this decision by defaulting to utilitarianism, that said, I will change this if the framework is debated. This does not mean that I don't evaluate cutting links or targeting solvency.
CP - Because of the paradigm of judging mentioned above, con fiat is bad. Therefore, I don't vote for CPs
Presentation > Analysis
James Garrett
Spring Woods High School
Andrew Gibson
The Woodlands College Park
Andrew Gibson
Director of Forensics at The Woodlands College Park High School
Speech Drop Preffered
Before the round/ During the round logistics
A big thing for me is staying on time at any tournament therefore I will be starting the round when both teams are present. Please pre-flow before the round starts. I should not be waiting long periods of time to actually start the round. I am the same way with prep time during a round I believe this has becomes extremely abused in todays circuits. Do not tell me "I will take 1.5 minutes of prep and then the timer goes off and you take another 5 minutes to get to the podium. It is always running prep When a speech ends and you are taking prep simply say starting prep now and keep a running clock. Once you are at the podium ready to speak say cease prep and start your roadmap. Sharing Speeches is INCLUDED in speech time
I am a more Traditional Style of Judge. Speed doesnt bother me too much as long as you are clear and dont spread tags/analytics.
T - I love Topicality debates if they are ran correctly make sure there is clash on standards and abuse is shown. Paint the story as to why this skewed the round in any capacity.
Theory -My theory threshold is High I have to see clear abuse
DA/CP/Case Debate - This is probably the easiest way to my ballot. Impact calculus is very important for me paint a picture as to what the affirmative plan looks like and what the world looks like either in SQ or Counterplan world.
Kritik -I am not a K judge this will be a tough way to my ballot. if you are going to run it I prefer case specfic not generic K's just to the topic not the case.
Role of ballot is big for me tell me what my ballot does and why I should use my power as judge to pull the trigger.
Any questions please feel free to ask!
Brian Gonzales
Spring Woods High School
Kathryn Gonzales
Erik Gonzalez
Clear Lake High School
Taryn Gonzalez
Clear Lake High School
Intentionally being harmful, oppressive, disrespectful, rude, misogynistic, racist, bigoted, and every other adjective to describe a person I wouldn't be proud to have on my team will drop your rank, your points, your win record. I don't care what school you are from and who your coach or parents are - making others feel unsafe and unwelcome will not be celebrated or tolerated.
Before you ask, I do not exchange e-mail addresses with children. If you think that I need to be able to read your speech in order to understand your argument because you don't know how to articulate yourself properly, maybe don't pref me or ask if I want the speechdrop or whatever.
Second, unless instructed to by tournament staff, I do not disclose. Reflect on your performance after the round. Talk to others for feedback. You'll get an RFD when you get it.
Something that has sadly come up quite a bit recently - you need to be aware of your surroundings and who is listening and watching. Being rude to your opponents or judges, even in off-hand comments to your friends before rounds start, will cause you to lose speaker points.
And last, being on your phone during a person's speech or performance will cause you to lose. Every. Single. Time. AGAIN: BEING ON YOUR PHONE DURING ANOTHER PERSON'S SPEECH WILL CAUSE YOU TO LOSE EVERY TIME, EVEN IF YOU'RE THE MOST AMAZING SPEAKER I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY WHOLE LIFE. Don't be a jerk.
As an experienced judge in speech and debate, a former competitor in LD and speech events, and a current coach who values the history and tradition of the events, I want to emphasize that I do not believe that speed and volume are the sole indicators of a skilled debater. I appreciate the qualities of persuasion, clear communication, and depth of argumentation over speed. Here are some key points to consider if you want to convince me of your argument:
Speak clearly and enunciate your words. Ensure that your arguments are easy to follow, and don't rush through your points. Take your time to explain your ideas thoroughly.
- A contention, by definition, is not a topic. It is a claim. Your contention should never be "international law", but should be an argument ABOUT the topic.
Support your arguments with relevant evidence and examples. Cite credible sources and use data when appropriate. Avoid cherry-picking data or misrepresenting facts.
Show that you have a deep understanding of the topic. Go beyond surface-level arguments and provide nuanced analysis.
Engage with your opponent's arguments thoughtfully and respectfully. Refute their points with evidence and logic rather than resorting to aggressive tactics.
Use cross-examination as an opportunity to clarify your opponent's arguments and highlight any weaknesses in their position. Maintain a respectful and professional demeanor during cross-examination.
Maintain a respectful and professional tone throughout the debate. Avoid personal attacks or disrespectful language towards your opponents. At the end of every round, you should walk away having learned something. Interfering with someone's ability to learn something from this activity because you are being rude is not cool.
Be mindful of your allotted time and manage it effectively. Don't rush through your speech to fit in more content. It's better to deliver a well-structured and persuasive argument within the time limit.
Remember that the art of debate is not just about winning arguments but also about fostering a respectful and constructive discourse. I value debaters who uphold these principles and contribute to the tradition of civil and persuasive discourse in speech and debate.
I can handle spreading - however, there are many of you who can't. You actually can't spread but think that you can and end up slurring through every word you say. Your speeches should still be coherent. All of you would benefit from a vocal coach to work on breathing techniques because you tend to lose your stamina partway through and begin to sound quite ridiculous.
At the end of the day, learning how to adapt to your judges will go a long way. Most of us are giving up our weekends for no pay, questionable food, and over 20 hours of sitting in uncomfortable chairs listening to children who think they are smarter than us. Sometimes you are smarter than us, but most of the time you underestimate our backgrounds and disrespect the fact that we are here for YOU and the advancement of your career in speech and debate.
As far as speech and IEs go, I am here to be informed and entertained. I do not tolerate cultural appropriation - be mindful of your accents, gestures, and intent. If you do not identify with a character ethnically, pick a different character. If you are highlighting the very real trauma of people in these rooms and have no experience with it and are performing it with the only intent of getting trophies, know that it comes through in your performances and is noticed.
Chanel Gordon
Spring Woods High School
Sivapragasam Gurusamy
Tompkins High School
Arianna soleil Gutierrez
Spring Woods High School
Deborah Hall
Memorial High School
Wendy Hall
Memorial High School
Jamie Helle
Clear Falls High School
Gabriel Herdocia
Memorial High School
Last changed on
Fri January 12, 2024 at 1:56 PM CST
Just try. :)
Oscar Herdocia
Memorial High School
Jennifer Hernandez
Spring Woods High School
Irene Iturburo
Clear Falls High School
Ronnit Jain
Clear Lake High School
Last changed on
Mon September 16, 2024 at 10:31 AM CST
Hello Competitors, My name is Ronnit Jain. I have over 7 years of acting experience and am a former NSDA Competitor I have participated in IMP, DUO, POI, POE, and am very familiar with all the speech events. Goes without saying, I love interp events. The important thing to remember when you're competing is to know that you have succeeded. The fact that you are up here using the platform of speech and debate to highlight real-world issues shows that you are an extremely brave person. So pat on the back for that.
Ground Rules:
-I will NOT tolerate any form of disrespect toward any person or performance. I expect everyone in the room to be respectful and attentive during all performances. You are welcome to step out of the room as needed.
-If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. I promise I'm super nice.
-I do NOT judge based on literary content, whether ifs between a topic that's taboo or one that's incredibly funny, I will keep a consistent and fair basis for judging to ensure fairness. I am BIG on integrity.
Extempt: All I ask is to not BS this. Do not make stuff up and In this event, I am a fan of a strong structure. Keep things concise and informative, but I also I love to be entertained.
OO: You're telling your own story. I judge performances STRICTLY on their merits. I want to feel what you're telling me. Remember, its not a trauma dump, TELL YOUR STORY and offer a solution.
INFO: I love fun boards. You are informing me about an important topic. With that I expect you to be bold and be strong in your stance. I love creativity when it comes to the speech and the board. I want to be impressed. You will know if you impressed me.
POI(my favorite): Concise story, vocal, and emotional arc. Major acting aspect to this event so I expect you to make me BELIEVE what you are presenting. That being said, I like seeing the technical side of the performance. The strength of a good performance lies in the smallest of moments. The little things add up.Smooth transitions will go a long way. If your pieces aren't organized and the emotions of the piece are all over the place, I will know. Purposeful movements are extremely important as it will keep me engaged. IF I CAN'T UNDERSTAND YOU, I CAN'T RANK YOU.
DI/HI: Big fan of Subtlety. I love seeing the strength and purpose in the small moments of the piece. Refer to POI for the rest of the preferences
Duo: Chemistry between partners is very important. Hitting your beats right is very important to me, along with appropriately reacting to your duo partner. Refer to prior notes for other notes
POE/PRO:Remember this is not POI. Keep the piece and performance within the parameters of the event. Refer to prior notes
-I really do not like spreading. Like a lot. Enough said.
-I should be able to understand the entire debate through the debate itself
-Be respectful towards your competitor/Do not be OVERLY aggressive when delivering a speech.
-Do whatever you see fit to provide your argument within reason.
Im not stingy. Im a college student so I understand that sometimes emotions and tension run high. S&D means a lot to people. Do your best and everything will fall into place.
Karuna Jampana
Tompkins High School
Jacob Jennings
Spring Woods High School
Bridget Jensen
Spring Woods High School
Last changed on
Mon September 23, 2024 at 10:45 AM CST
Though I am new to debate judging and have never participated in a judged debate, I work as an editor so read submissions and offer feedback to authors on their work, which is similar to judging. Debate, however, is oral rather than written argument. I know from regular oral conversations that when someone speaks very fast I sometimes have difficulty understanding and following. A fast delivery may be used to squeeze in as many arguments as possible, but that doesn't necessarily impress me, especially if the arguments could be presented more concisely and thus with a more measured cadence. So my judging will consider a balance of style and argument. I intend to make notes of key arguments and, when given, examples of any real-world impacts, which I appreciate.
Reshmi Joseph
Spring Woods High School
Angela Langhus
Spring Woods High School
Michelle Lara
Spring Woods High School
Catalin Lepadatu
Memorial High School
Niko Letsos
Spring Woods High School
John Lewallen
Clear Creek High School
Last changed on
Thu February 22, 2024 at 3:43 AM CST
Debate Paradigm:
I am a supporter of traditional purposeful debate
I am not a fan of:
-plans/counterplans in debates
-disclosing before the debate starts
-excessive speed
-data dump over debate
-aggressive/demeaning towards opponent
I prefer:
-a slower more methodical debate
-actual discussion on the topic/resolution
Jenny Li
Memorial High School
Last changed on
Sat September 28, 2024 at 3:01 AM CST
I am a lay/parent judge. I am judging with very little experience but I do have a son that competes in LD. I hope that we will have a good tournament and good luck to the debaters. I will not tolerate any kind of violence/rudeness/derogatory speech that is used in the round.
My email is if you want to do speech drops or doc share.
General Rule FOR LD:
- I will vote for the debater that is more confident and sounds like they are winning. Perception of dominance is heavy when I judge
- Don't use any means of violence or that is an auto drop and probably 25 speaks.
- I am not familiar with any kinds of Ks, Theory, or Tricks. If you run those, I won't flow them.
- Lets keep it at the most basic form of policy v policy. I don't understand CP competition either.
- Remove "judge screw" from your vocabulary. Even if I make a decision that doesn't match what you think. All that means is that somehow, the other debater made arguments that I could actually understand. Even if you think that you're winning everything but the fact is that I can't understand it, you will lose.
- The way you organize yourself or how you speak is one of the biggest factors in this debate.
- Generally, I give the winner 30 speaks and the loser 28.5/29 speaks
General Rules for SPEECH:
Just be clear, don’t have too many errors and make sure you get your points across.
MOST IMPORTANTLY- BE DIFFERENT. I assume that every single one of you guys can follow the rules and do things robotically, but that’s hard to judge. Be different so that I can discern you from the rest. Ex: Incorporate humor, have an engaging intro, and don’t forget to be something else
Let's all have a fun round and good luck to all debaters!
Yi Zhong Lin
Seven Lakes High School
Last changed on
Thu February 8, 2024 at 5:13 AM CST
Add me to the email chain:
I have past judging experience. treat me like a parent judge(i.e. go slow, don't use jargon, no prog args)
Debate: (LD, PF, WSD)
I am an engineer so logical arguments appeal to me.
if it doesn't make sense to me I will not evaluate it.
please be polite in crossfire(i.e. no cursing or homophobic or racist or ableist comments). I enjoy seeing argumentative clash in cross but keep it controlled.
Overall: just have fun. i will vote for the team that persuades me to.
Progressive args and Ks:
I am a parent judge. Please do not read any theory shells, kritiks, or progressive arguments. I will not evaluate them as I don't understand them. I prefer substance debates.
I typically give 28-29 if I think you speak well.
anything 25-26 means you said something offensive
rhetoric is good: will add speaks.
rhetoric is good.
Speak clearly and with some emotion. monotone isn't very appealing.
that's pretty much it.
i will give you a ranking based on how well you perform and how well you express the nuance of a prose or poetry piece or inform me in your extemp speech.
Have fun guys.
Tami Longjohn
Spring Woods High School
Dalila Lopez
Spring Woods High School
Karina Lopez
Spring Woods High School
Elizabeth Lopez-Aguilar
Fernando Maldonado
Spring Woods High School
Ayesha Zaheer Malik
Memorial High School
Swati Malla
Tompkins High School
Gloria Martinez
Spring Woods High School
John McDonald
Spring Woods High School
arohi mehta
Bridgeland High School
Natalia Mendoza
Spring Woods High School
Dina Yvette Meza
Spring Woods High School
Julian Migliavacca
Seven Lakes High School
I am a lay judge.
Speak slowly. Enunciate. Speak loudly.
Clearly articulate your statements, status quo and link so that I can follow those throughout the debate.
I like the pre-start roadmap.
Daniel Moore
Winston Churchill HS
Last changed on
Sat November 23, 2024 at 12:18 AM CST
Overall (Speech):Speech is a game of engagement with the audience, and your efforts should be towards engaging the audience with the message of your piece. My ranks are always based primarily on this. Of course, there are many tools to engage an audience, and your choice to use them and your effectiveness with them will vary.
Oral Interpretation: In interpretation events (HI, DI, DA, DUO, POI, PR, PO), I am looking for a performance that creates a significant personal or social meaning from the literature chosen. I am also looking for a performance that shows emotional and tonal complexity and a range that is both suitable for the piece and is demonstrative of the skills of the interper.
There should also be intentionality in the decisions made in the interpretation of the piece. For example, all the blocking employed in the piece should have a purpose and should not seem haphazardly included in the performance. This also goes for what is included in the cutting of the piece, for the words spoken, the emotions, sound effects, etc. conveyed should all contribute to the message you are trying to convey in your interpretation.
Public Address: In Public Address or Platform events (IX/FX, USX/DX, OO, INFO), I am looking for speeches that add novelty and insight to the topic of the speech. Making the topic relevant and understandable to a general audience is necessary for success in these speeches.
Speeches in these categories are more effective and engaging when they employ a variety of pacing and tone that convey to the audience the significance and emotional stakes of the points you make. On top of clear speaking and style, one needs to create the engagement for the audience with their voice through these tools. In general a conversation
Speeches should be well organized and easy to follow for the audience. They should have clear but original signposting to help the audience keep track of where they are in the speech.
In congressional debate I'm really looking at the analysis of the argument and the ability to create a logical and well-backed chain of arguments to why we should pass or fail. Generally awareness of the round is highly valued, and I want arguments from competitors to be well addressed. Obviously, fluency and rhetorical impact are important as well, and I'm not a huge fan of Jargon in Congress. Speeches should generally be broadly approachable.
The people who will score high in the round are going to bring in novel arguments and ideas, and dive into the language and the implications of the bills as well as the claims of their competitors. Ask good questions! Be a balanced speaker.
Don't take being P.O. for granted, you still have to present yourself among the top in the round. Judges should seldom have to get involved.
I'm a speech coach, and this is not my preferred event. That being said, I am rather traditional when it comes to judging LD with heavy emphasis on the battle of values and achievement of the value criterion through your use of your evidence.
I have some debate experience through high school, but consider me more of a lay/UIL circuit judge.
Speed is okay if you are understandable, but I should not have to read along to understand you, if I can't flow it, it didn't happen. Elements of progressive debate such as theory and K are fine but have to be well justified within the context of the debate, otherwise, I'm not sure it'll make it to my flow.
Speaks are awarded on quality of debate based on speaking and presentation with 28 being the average debate performance, lower being, well, lower, and being among the best I've seen will be awarded a 29-29.5. If you are somewhere in between you will be awarded somewhere in between.
Kevin Moore
Winston Churchill HS
Jonathan Moya
Spring Woods High School
Lisa Moya
Spring Woods High School
Last changed on
Mon January 8, 2024 at 12:36 AM CST
Assistant Coach at Spring Woods High School Speech & Debate for Victoria Beard.
Interp: Source of the majority of my experience in Speech & Debate. I look for multiple levels to a performance; character portrayals by students with an understanding of the emotions and stakes of their piece; a concise plot to the cut, coherent from beginning to end; the greater the attention to minor details (mannerisms, gestures, inflection, etc.), the better.
Public Speaking: I enjoy interp-flair, but it cannot supersede the content, argument, or sources of your speaking. I will call you out on inaccuracies.
Debate: Rank your Spread from 1 (slowest) to 10 (fastest), then keep at 5 maximum -- quantity will never match quality. I appreciate excellent enunciation and clarity, and support debaters providing roadmaps for judges. Dropped contentions are watched for. No disclosures after round end.
Gustavo Munoz
Spring Woods High School
Anusha Murali
Glenda Dawson High School
aurelia needham
Spring Woods High School
Karen Needham
Spring Woods High School
Tanya Needham
Spring Woods High School
Andy Nguyen
Spring Woods High School
Molly Nipper
Spring Woods High School
Monica O'Neil
Summer Creek High School
Paulina Osorio
Spring Woods High School
Ximena Osorio Mrad
Memorial High School
Last changed on
Fri September 27, 2024 at 12:11 PM CST
I am Ximena Osorio, I am a Civil Engineer, and I work for an engineering and environmental science consulting firm. I don’t have previous judging experience in debate and speech events or specialized training in these areas.
I am a member of Toastmasters International, an organization that helps people develop public speaking, leadership, and communication skills. Through my participation in this organization, I've learned the art of impactful public speaking and constructive evaluation, skills I'm eager to apply in this judging capacity.
I enjoy a debate backed by reliable numbers, verifiable evidence, and credible sources.
I believe respectful disagreement is essential.
I don’t think popularity equals validity.
I appreciate conversational style, opposed to jargon that a person not familiar with the subject would not understand. Convince me with clarity, not complexity.
As a Toastmasters member, I'm attentive to effective communication. Vocal variety, body language, and minimal filler words impress me; however, substance takes precedence over style. You won’t win me over just by speaking “pretty” but I definitely will consider your communication style.
Rebecca Damilola Oyeniyi
Veronica Paz Agreda
Spring Woods High School
Ana Lucya Perez
Spring Woods High School
Sherri Perry
St Agnes Academy
Last changed on
Tue January 2, 2024 at 10:47 AM CST
I am a traditional LD and PF judge.
Persuasion is necessary. Moderate spreading is okay.
If you make a non-topical argument, I will not evaluate it.
For speech, I look for a clear thesis and supporting points.
For interp, I judge on how well you embody your characters.
leticia Pesenti
Memorial High School
Mark Phan
Memorial High School
Last changed on
Fri September 6, 2024 at 7:42 AM EST
For any debate:
- Don't spread (If needed, at least make sure everything you say gets out without sounding jumbled)
- Focus on points of clash
- Make easily identifiable arguments
- Have a distinguished structure and impacts from your points
- Let your personality shine through, do not make a cookie cutter speech! PERSONALIZE
- Sell the importance of your topic!
- Make sure your characters or speakers are distinct
- Develop your characters and display their emotions
- Emphasize facial expressions and body language!
Omid Rahimi
Winston Churchill HS
As a judge, I stress more on communication style, how its being delivered and logical reasoning behind the argument being made. I love to hear more statistics backing your position that is persuasive and compelling.
I value respectful communication and expect debaters to be more concise while speaking in normal pace.
Brenda Razo
Spring Woods High School
Elizabeth Razo
Spring Woods High School
Rosalia Razo
Spring Woods High School
Amanda Redmon
Spring Woods High School
Paul Revaz
Episcopal HS - Houston/Bellaire
Shelly Riddler
The Woodlands College Park
Johnnie Robinson
Spring Woods High School
Mitchell Robinson
Spring Woods High School
Clean pops and blocking
delivery of lines/ ability to follow the story/plot
scripts are properly memorized
characters are highly differentiated
Public speaking-
relevant images/info as it pertains to the topic
strong points
smooth transitions from one point to the next.
Bertha Rosella
Spring Woods High School
Traci Russell
Spring Woods High School
Julianna Sanchez
Spring Woods High School
Brandon Schrecengost
Spring Woods High School
Hailey snyder
Spring Woods High School
Linda Sosa
Spring Woods High School
Patrice Statum
Spring Woods High School
Michelle Stuart
Clear Brook High School
Victoria Sturm
Jersey Village High School
Jessica Terpenning
Spring Woods High School
Mary Tickell
Spring Woods High School
Anna Umanzor
Jersey Village High School
Last changed on
Sat October 5, 2024 at 11:08 AM EST
Assume as if I don't know anything about the topic, and keep your position clear and help me understand through your contentions/arguments.
Any disrespectful behavior shall take away points.
Last changed on
Fri September 27, 2024 at 1:22 PM CST
Hi!! ^-^
I am so excited to judge everyone. I'll just give some tips and advice for everyone here.
Firstly, I expect you to have a clear and concise layout of your speech (I can tell when you're transitioning) and that you bring a sense of value as to what you're presenting (why should the audience care about the speech?). Secondly, have a good AGD. The AGD is the most important part of a speech because it hooks the audience. If it's boring, then you're going to lose the audience before you even started. Personally, I like funny and lighthearted jokes for AGD's to help connect with the audience. Then, have your question memorized and state it how it's stated on the paper. The speech should be around 6:50-7:15. It's completely okay if you're nervous but try not to show it. Confidence goes a looooong way. Your novice year is when you learn from mistakes so you can apply it for your next years, so I understand if you have some mess ups. Just appear confident and comfortable. I'm sure you all will do great!! :]
David Valdez
Spring Woods High School
Alyssa Wagoner
Spring Woods High School
ashley whiteman
Spring Woods High School
Kasey Willeby
Cypress Woods High School
Last changed on
Fri January 5, 2024 at 5:32 AM CST
Speech - Strong analysis and organization is key. MAKE SURE YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION! I evaluate heavily on the use of evidence to back up clear, logical analysis. Communication is key - it is your job to communicate with me, not my job to work to understand you - keep this in mind and consider what structure to provide in your speech to make sure your concept and analysis can be easily followed.
Interp - I judge interp based on storytelling, characterization, and performance technique. In dramatic selections - I am looking for depth of character, honesty, realism, and believable character relationships. Make sure you have moments and aren't just presenting dialogue. Character arcs are also important and should be part of your storytelling. In humorous selections - I am looking for strong, committed acting choices with strong polish and technique. Storytelling is still hugely important - the story should be easy to understand and clearly focused. Characters are the most important. I am looking for strong characters that feel realistic and react in the moment. The comedy should drive largely from character reactions. Popping technique is also very important - should be polished and clean with distinct physical and vocal choices.
Congress - I have over a decade of experience judging Student Congress. I look at several key factors when determining rankings - number of speeches, quality of speeches, amount of questions, and general activity in the chamber. In terms of P.O. performance I look for the following - effective management of the chamber, accurate precedence and recency tracking, procedural knowledge, and the ability to keep the session running smoothly and expeditiously.
Debate - I tend to be a traditionalist when it comes to debate. I am focused on communication of arguments, sound logical explanations, conciseness, use of strong supporting evidence, effective questioning, and respectful decorum in round. I can handle some speed, but find that 9/10 times either speed or diction become an obstacle in communication. I do not look at cases, so any arguments that are not well communicated will not make my flow. I generally vote on framework, impacts, and effective substantiation of claims, however I typically do not vote for extinction arguments. Even though they are a clearly large impact, a logic chain of 12 steps leading to a hypothetical annihilation scenario rarely leads to a probable outcome.
Allison Woodbury
Spring Woods High School
Last changed on
Sat September 28, 2024 at 11:14 AM EST
Tech > Truth
iris xu
Memorial High School
Darrell Yarbrough
St. Thomas HS
Last changed on
Fri January 26, 2024 at 7:41 PM CAT
My paradigm
Debate is the test of the truthfulness of a claim, thus truth is important. I don't understand the tech over truth argument, nor do I want to.
Debaters should:
Speak slowly.
State the resolution, as that is what is being debated
Explain everything. Don't assume that I know what a K is. Because I don't. Don't assume I know what anything else is either. I probably don't.
Speak very slowly.
Explain what the big arguments are and why the opposing side is not winning.
Be nice to each other.
Give me a reason to vote for your side. Or more than one.
Speak slowly.
To summarize, in debate judging, I adopt most of the nuance but very little of the substance in this abstract on the qualitative vs. quantitative debate that Kenneth R. Howe espouses in the American Journal of Education Vol. 100, No. 2 (Feb., 1992), pp. 236-256 (21 pages) Published By: The University of Chicago Press. FYI, '92 was a good year for debate about debate in educational philosophy.
Speakers should:
Be entertaining, thoughtful, logical, organized.
Present evidence/sources (not so much in IMP maybe, but definitely in OO, INF, EX,
Don't go too fast, but instead go at the exact right speed.
Be entertaining. Try not to steal minutes from your audience's life (especially mine) by being boring. Try and pretend this stuff is fun.
Interpers should:
Be real, or sometimes in HI or humorous DUO, be so polished and perfect in your blocking, gesturing, and facial expression, that the hyperbole does not need realism.
Real acting is seen in the eyes. Are you believable? Is there anything about your performance that distracts?
I do my best to judge the performer/performance and not the script.
Rachel Ybarra
Spring Woods High School
Brandi Young
Summer Creek High School
Yue Zhang
Elkins High School
Last changed on
Sat January 20, 2024 at 8:32 AM CST
Hi, I am parent judge and I've judged IEs and debate during the 22-23 debate season for TFA and NSDA District.
For speech delivery, I appreciate that you speak clearly without excessive word crutches. Use time wisely to fully develop the speech. Fluid speech and professional mannerisms will be noted.
On EXTEMPT/INF/OO, make sure your points discussed clearly address the question that you’ve chosen. Following the standard speech outline and including clear impact analysis would help. Cite your sources. I read broadly about economics, geopolitics and technologies on a regularly basis. Logical analysis of event and impact will be noted.
On INTERP, it is a performance and characterization is important. All movements (gestures, head, and other body movements) are done with purpose.
- I do not mind speed as long as words can be understood. I also evaluate on speaking ability.
- I will evaluate how each side address other’s arguments with good logic and evidence.
- Off-clock road map is much appreciated.
- Please add me to the email chain: