The Independence Winter Classic

2020 — NSDA Campus, US

TOC and NIETOC Bid Info

The 2020 Independence Winter Classic has been selected as a bid tournament to the prestigious Tournament of Champions in Individual Speech Events and Congressional Debate and a National Individual Events Tournament Qualifier. Below is information about how those bids are awarded.

Individual Speech Events TOC: 

The TOC issues speech bids in the following events: Combined extemporaneous speaking, Original Oratory, Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Oral Interp (Prose and Poetry), Program of Oral Interpretation, and Informative Speaking. 

Bids are awarded on the following scale:

If 24 or fewer competitors enter, the top 3 receive bids. 

If 25 to 72 compete, the top 7 finalists receive bids.

If 73 to 125 or more are in an event, the top 14 semifinalists receive bids

If 125 or more are in an event, the top 24 quarterfinalists receive bids.

*Prose/Poetry and IX/DX may be combined in order to maximize the number of qualifiers

Congressional Debate TOC: 

The 2020 IWC has been designated a Tier 1 Congressional Debate qualifier, meaning that the Top 6 Congressional Debaters will receive a bid to the 2021 TOC. 


The NIETOC issues speech bids in the following events: Combined extemporaneous speaking, Original Oratory, Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Duet Acting, Program of Oral Interpretation, and Informative Speaking. 

Bids are awarded on the following scale:

0-19 contestants = FIRST PLACE BID

20-34 contestants = FIRST, SECOND & THIRD PLACE BIDS

35-50 contestants = FINAL ROUND BIDS

51-70 contestants = SEMIFINAL ROUND BIDS

71-99 contestants = QUARTERFINAL ROUND BIDS

100 + contestants = OCTAFINAL ROUND BIDS


The number of elimination rounds in speech event will be determined by the following formula:

100+ = Octos (8 sections of 6)

71+ = Quarters (4 sections of 6)

51+ = Semis (2 sections of 6)

>51 - Finals (1 section of 6)