MSDL Speech Debate and Congress

2020 — Cyber Space, MA/US

States Speech Cheat Sheet

Speech “Cheat Sheet” for Online States Tournament


For full details, please refer to the Online Tournament Guide. This “cheat sheet” provides quick tips to assist you during the Online States Tournament.


Before the Tournament

Be sure your Tabroom account is set up and has your correct cell phone number and email. You can edit your Tabroom phone number by clicking on PROFILE in the upper right corner of the Tabroom home page.


Zoom Name

You will need to change your Zoom name to the format recognized by the tournament in order to be admitted to Zoom competition rooms.

Contestants should use the format Code Number – First and Last Name.

Students who are double- or triple-entered will need to change to the correct code number when moving from event to event.


Technical Difficulties

If a technical issue arises, the round can be paused. Each entry has a 15-minute “technical repairs time”. If a technical issue cannot be resolved in that time, the affected entry must proceed as best they can. Please see the Online States Tournament guide for additional details.


Children’s Literature, Play Reading, Poetry Reading, POI, Prose Reading

Prior to each round, you will receive an email with the URL for your Zoom Room. All contestants in an event will report to the same Zoom Room. From there, the Zoom Room Monitor will place you in your competition round (breakout room) with your judge and fellow contestants. The Zoom Room will be open approximately 30 minutes prior to each round. You are welcome to enter the room and chat with fellow contestants until the round is ready to begin. Once you are placed in the breakout room for competition, we ask that you utilize Speaker View so that you can see the competitor who is presenting. Presenters must choose to either sit or stand and must remain sitting or standing for the duration of their piece. Scripts should be partially visible to the audience throughout the presentation. Judges will not be providing time signals; you may choose to time yourself, but the judge’s time is the official time. You should be on mute until it is your turn to speak. We also ask that you refrain from utilizing the Chat function in Zoom during the round. All standard rules of etiquette apply.

Double- or triple-entered students reporting to their second or third event Zoom Room will be placed into the breakout room and should make sure that they are on mute when entering. In between speakers, they can let the judge know they have entered and get inserted into the speaking order.





Declamation, Dramatic Performance, Informative Speaking, Original Oratory

Prior to each round, you will receive an email with the URL for your Zoom Room. All contestants in an event will report to the same Zoom Room. From there, the Zoom Room Monitor will place you in your competition round (breakout room) with your judge and fellow contestants. The Zoom Room will be open approximately 30 minutes prior to each round. You are welcome to enter the room and chat with fellow contestants until the round is ready to begin. Once you are placed in the breakout room for competition, we ask that you utilize Speaker View so that you can see the competitor who is presenting. Presenters must choose to either sit or stand and must remain sitting or standing for the duration of their piece. Judges will not be providing time signals; you may choose to time yourself, but the judge’s time is the official time. You should be on mute until it is your turn to speak. We also ask that you refrain from utilizing the Chat function in Zoom during the round. All standard rules of etiquette apply.

Double- or triple-entered students reporting to their second or third event Zoom Room will be placed into the breakout room and should make sure that they are on mute when entering. In between speakers, they can let the judge know they have entered and get inserted into the speaking order.


Duo Interpretation

Prior to each round, you will receive an email with the URL for your Zoom Room. All contestants in Duo will report to the same Zoom Room. From there, the Zoom Room Monitor will place you in your competition round (breakout room), one Duo at a time with your judge(s). The Zoom Room will be open approximately 30 minutes prior to each round. You are welcome to enter the room and chat with fellow contestants. Presenters must choose to either sit or stand and must remain sitting or standing for the duration of their piece. Judges will not be providing time signals; you may choose to time yourselves, but the judge’s time is the official time. Please note that we are increasing the grace period from 30 to 60 seconds to accommodate pauses that are required to prevent overlapping voices. Due to the low number of entries in Duo, the third round on Saturday will have 3 judges and will be the final round for Duo.


Multiple Reading

At the beginning of the tournament, we will provide specific times for each Multiple to perform. Prior to each round, you will receive an email with the URL for your Zoom Room. All contestants in Multiple report to the same Zoom Room. From there, the Zoom Room Monitor will place the members of each Multiple in their competition round (breakout room) with your judge(s). The Zoom Room will be open approximately 30 minutes prior to each round. You are welcome to enter the room and chat with fellow contestants, but you do not have to arrive in the Zoom Room until 5-10 minutes prior to your scheduled start time. Scripts should be partially visible to the audience throughout the presentation. Judges will not be providing time signals; you may choose to time yourselves, but the judge’s time is the official time. Please note that we are increasing the grace period from 30 to 60 seconds to accommodate pauses that are required to prevent overlapping voices. Due to the low number of entries in Multiple, the third round on Saturday will have 3 judges and will be the final round for Multiple.


Extemporaneous Speaking

Prior to each round, you will receive an email with the URL for your Zoom Prep Room. There will be two Zoom Prep Rooms, and you may be in a different Zoom Prep Room each round. Please be sure to use the URL provided for each specific round. You are welcome to chat with your fellow competitors until the draw begins. Using the Zoom Room Chat function, the Zoom Room Monitor will provide you with 3 questions. You will choose one question and then begin prep. During prep, you should be on mute, but keep your video camera on. All standard rules for prep apply. Once your prep period has ended, the Zoom Room Monitor will place you in your competition round (breakout room) with the judge. Presenters must choose to sit or stand and must remain sitting or standing for the duration of the speech. Judges will not be providing time signals; you may choose to time yourself, but the judge’s time is the official time.


Group Discussion

Prior to each round, you will receive an email with the URL for your Zoom Room. All contestants in Group Discussion will report to the same Zoom Room. The Zoom Room will be open approximately 30 minutes prior to each round. You are welcome to enter the room and chat with fellow contestants until the round is ready to begin. Using the Zoom Room Chat function, the Zoom Room Monitor will provide you with the prompts for the round. S/he will then place you in your competition round (breakout room) with your fellow competitors and judge. Once you are placed in the breakout room for competition, we ask that you utilize Gallery View so that you can see all of the competitors in the room. Please refrain from using the Chat function in Zoom during the round. All standard rules of etiquette apply.


Impromptu Speaking

Prior to each round, you will receive an email with the URL for your Zoom Room. All contestants in Impromptu Speaking will report to the same Zoom Room. The Zoom Room Monitor will be conducting the draw and then immediately placing you in your competition round (breakout room) with your judge and fellow contestants. The Zoom Room will be open approximately 30 minutes prior to each round. You are welcome to chat with fellow contestants until the draw begins. Speakers must choose to present either sitting or standing and must remain sitting or standing throughout the spoken portion of the time period. Judges will not be providing time signals; you may choose to time yourself, but the judge’s time is the official time. The time will begin as soon as you enter the competition room (breakout room). Once you have finished your presentation, you should stay to watch the rest of the competitors. We ask that you utilize Speaker View so that you can see the competitor who is presenting and place yourself on mute. We also ask that you refrain from utilizing the Chat function in Zoom during the round. All standard rules of etiquette apply.


Radio Broadcasting

Prior to each round, you will receive an email with the URL for your Zoom Prep Room. You are welcome to chat with your fellow competitors until the draw begins. Using the Zoom Room Chat function, the Zoom Room Monitor will provide you with a link to the radio copy for that round. During prep, you should be on mute, but keep your video camera on. All standard prep rules apply. Once your prep period has ended, the Zoom Room Monitor will place you in your competition round (breakout room) with the judge. Judges will not be providing time signals; you should time yourself, but the judge’s time is the official time. Presenters should switch off video during the presentation.