Byram Hills ONLINE Open

2020 — Online, NY/US

Expectations -- Judge

Expectations -- Judge

1. Judges should use a computer (not a mobile device) for the tournament. They will need a lot of room. The tournament recommends opening one Chrome tab to watch videos and another to fill out the eBallots. Please change your name to (JUDGE-SCHOOL NAME-YOUR NAME)

2. When postings are released, the tournament director will push ballots to judges. Please check your text, emails for the push notification. If not, please refresh your homepage on (the page that opens once you log in). Most judges find it helpful to leave the ballot visible on the screen while also looking at the virtual room. This allows the judge to write comments on the eBallot while also being able to watch the speech.

3. Judges should stay in the virtual room until they finish filling out the eBallot and submit them promptly. All tournaments depend on prompt responses from judges,and these delays are what cause 95% of the delays at tournaments.

4. If judges have trouble with their eBallots, they can check in with tabroom. The link will always be the same and can be found on the website for the tournament. Many times, the problem is that judges are trying to use a browser other than Chrome.

5. For Final Rounds, judges should make sure they wait for all three judges before starting the round. Since the room can be rather large with so many people, one judge will be selected as the chair. The chair judge should be the one to call role before the round begins to make sure all competitors are present. The chair should also check that all three judges have finished writing their feedback before moving on to the next speaker.

6. Final round judges are expected to rank their round independently from the other judges in the room. Judges should never confer about their scoring of the round.